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Katina's Krash House

Katina's Krash House


My Blog

About Me

Jazz Band Pics

Pictures of Randomness

Old Cars

Ford Mustangs

Muh Buddies Cars

Nice Trucks


Don't Waste Life Away Being Normal

About me:
*This is a pic of me before I left for the Film Fest at my church*

Hey guys, sorry my webpage will be back this summer when I have time to work on it again but somehow over night everything was deleted including ALL of my subpages and pictures...EVERYTHING!! IM PISSED!!! Anyways sorry again...If you know me and you have pics of me or my friends or somethng pleaese give me them ....I don't have most of the pics that were on my page on my computer anymore...


For now just enjoy poking my penguin, my car pages should be back up in no time..


if you right click then press play three times and that will start this awesome game over again!