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Otaku Legacy: Chapter One


The Otaku Legacy

Chapter 1: The Legacy Begins


(A kawaii fourteen-year-old [who's short for her age...4'11''!!!] with short, brown-auburn hair steps up)

Madi: Konyanyachiwa minna-san!! I'm the author here, and I'm Madi-chan!! *Victory sign*

Everyone: And this is the story of the Otaku Legacy!

Madi: First let's do some introductions! *Gestures to three other girls the same age*

(A girl who's about 5'2'' with layered light brown hair that is streaked blonde steps up)

Madi: This is Sammi-chan!

Sammi: Umm...hi. *waves*

Madi: Yeah. Anyway. *pushes Sammi outta the spotlight*

Sammi: HEY!

Madi: n.n Ehehe...anyway, next!

(A 5'4'' girl with dirty blonde hair in a braid jumps up)

Madi: May I present Shadow-chan!

Shadow: Hi!

(A 5'6'' girl, this time short brown hair dyed blonde in odango, jumps up)


Madi: Oh yeah...that's Heathy-chan!!

Heathy: THANK YOU!

Madi: n.n;; the shortest one here I am the ruler!!

Sammi, Heathy, Shadow: WHAT?! SINCE WHEN?!

Madi: Since now, and besides, I'm the author! So...I could make you all midgets compared to me but I'm being nice and giving out your REAL heights...

Shadow: She...has a point...

Madi: AND I've got THIS! *takes out a posterboard fan* MY poorly imitated tessen, Sorushina!

Sammi: She...named her fan...

Heathy: That's what her sword is called in "Slayers Eternal".

Madi: STOP DRAGGING IN THINGS FROM OTHER ANIME! *cough* Anyway...we're getting a little far from the plot here. We are the Otaku Legacy, four otaku who are, unfortunately--or not?--seized by an unquenchable lust for bishounen--

Sammi: *coughcoughDIESEL-LIBIDOcoughcough* [If you don't know what those words mean, look 'em up!]


Sammi: Yes you are...we all are in fact.


Shadow: That's just a cruel way of saying the Otaku Legacy.

Madi: SHUT UP!! *waves Sorushina* LEMME FINISH! Anyway...yes. As I was you will witness the Otaku Legacy's first step into the world of bishounen and--as Sammi-chan would put it--a really bad want for making out with the hot guys!

Sammi: *makes strangled sounds and falls over*

Madi: ...What'd I do?!

Sammi: I...I didn't mean it like THAT!

Shadow: I'm SURE you didn't...


Madi: Right! I was getting to that...but first I have to take the time to say this...

Sammi: *groan* Not the fang disclaimer again...

Madi: *whacks her with Sorushina* SILENCE! Yes, it IS the fang disclaimer. *clears throat* I want it made clear that the fact that I have fangs is NOT a ripoff of Tasuki! IT IS TRUE!! In real life I do have fangs...and I cut my tongue once 'cause I bit it too hard...that hurt...

Heathy: *whines* Where are the bish?

Madi: Oh yeah! *whistles* TAIITSUKUN!!!

(Taiitsukun appears)

Taiitsukun: What do you want?

Madi: Do you remember our deal?

Taiitsukun: *grins evilly* Oh yes...just a moment, dearie.

(Taiitsukun disappears. Everyone stares at Madi)


Madi: SHH!! Don't say my REAL name on THE INTERNET!! ...I could get raped or kidnapped or killed--

Shadow: You made a deal with Taiitsukun.

Madi: *sweetly* Yes. Isn't that obvious?

Sammi: What'd you do? Sell your SOUL?!

Madi: NO! *whacks her with Sorushina* Of course not, baka! *pokes fingers together and looks down* ...I traded my conscience.

Shadow, Sammi, Heathy: *sweatdrop* YOU WHAT?!

Madi: Hey! I never even LISTEN to my conscience! It's worth nothing to me! But anyway, she took my conscience in return for the Suzaku Seishi--



Heathy: BAKA! I don't LOVE Miaka! *evil grin* I want to torture her...

Sammi: Sadist!

Madi: You shouldn't be talking, Sammi-chan!

Sammi: *to Madi* PYRO!!

Madi: *blink* That's a statement of fact.

(Taiitsukun reappears)

Taiitsukun: I've got them...where do you want them?

Madi: *waves hand absently* Oh, just drop them in the floor, Grandma.

Sammi, Shadow, Heathy: *fall over* GRANDMA?!

Madi: *sweatdrop* Oh yeah...that was the other part of the deal. I had to become Taiitsukun's adopted granddaughter.

Sammi: You f00|<1|\|g baka...

Taiitsukun: *stares then shrugs* All right, dearie. *Snaps fingers, and disappears*

(Seven figures suddenly appear in the room looking very confused)

Sammi: *whispers* You even got the Seishi that DIED?

Madi: Of course! Grandma DID create the universe, after all...what's it to her to bring back to life a couple of the dead?


Shadow, Madi: *go starry eyed* TASUKI-KUN!!!

Tasuki: *sweatdrop* N-nani...?!

(Shadow grabs Tasuki around the waist and Madi attaches herself to his neck)


Nuriko: *blink* What the...

Tamahome: What happened?!

Heathy: Tamahome-kun...

Sammi: Nuriko-sama...

(Sammi glomps Nuriko and Heathy attaches herself to Tamahome)

Sammi: Would you give up crossdressing for a crazed hentai fangirl?!

Nuriko: WHAT?! But...I love Hotohori!



Heathy: *starry eyes* Tamahome-kun...*is hanging from his waist*

Tamahome: *uncomfortably* Erm...Miss, I'm sorry, but I'm promised to another...

Heathy: S|-|17! *looks to Madi* Madi-chan...could you please?

Madi: *still hanging onto Tasuki* What?! I...I CAN'T DO ANYTHING!! I'M JUST THE ADOPTED GRANDDAUGHTER!!

Sammi: Madi, don't you still have those superior convincing skills of yours?

Madi: ...Oh yeah... *to Tasuki* I'll be riiiiiight back! *jumps off*

Tasuki: Good riddance...I feel like Nakago between Soi and Tomo here...

Chiriko: *to Chichiri* What's going on...?

Chichiri: *sweatdrop* I have absolutely no idea no da...

(Madi walks slowly up to Tamahome and Heathy)

Madi: Heathy...please. I need space for this.

Heathy: Fine. *Gets off Tamahome*

Madi: *clears throat and speaks in a regretful voice* Tamahome-san, I am sorry to report that your beloved Miaka committed suicide this morning by putting a gun to her head. In a letter she left for you she said that she never loved you and had cheated on you with men of various age and size--if you know what I mean. She also called you a selfish bastard, a swindling spendthrift, and other various insults.

Tamahome: *eye twitch* ...What?

Heathy: *blink* You didn't have to go THAT far.

Madi: *evil grin* It's all in the price ya pay...

Tamahome: *realizing what she just said* That...bitch! She never loved me?! Am I really that obsessed with money?!

Sammi: *cough* Do you really want to know the answer to that?

Heathy: I'm here for you Tamahome-kun!! *flings her arms around his neck*

Tamahome: *eye twitch* Nani...?!

Madi: Congratulations! Now I've gotta get back to Tasuki-kun...

(Madi turns to see Shadow trying to kiss Tasuki)


Shadow: Aww, come on!! *pause* Would you kiss me for a bottle of sake?

Madi: *mutters darkly* Of course...he'll do anything if you get him drunk enough...

Tasuki: ...You got sake?

Shadow: *waves a bottle in his face* Right here!

Madi: Waitaminnit...where'd you--

(Tasuki drinks the whole bottle in practically one sip and then falls)

Madi: You don't have sake, you liar!! THAT WAS A LOVE POTION!!

Shadow: n.n

Madi: YOU BITCH! You and your love potions...

Tasuki: @.@ I feel funny...

(Meanwhile, Heathy is desperately trying to kiss Tamahome)

Tamahome: Eeeaaaaccchhh!!

Heathy: Come on!!! You even said it yourself--Miaka's a bitch and we all know it!

Tamahome: I think it's a little soon for another woman in my life...and besides, I don't even KNOW you!

Heathy: *sigh* Okay, fine. My name is Heather, but Heathy-chan will do. I like bishounen and anime, and soccer and drawing. Anything else you need to know?!

Tamahome: I--

Heathy: GOOD! *drags him off into a vacant bedroom*

Chiriko: *clings to Chichiri* Chichiri-san...what's going on?!

Chichiri: *is freaked out* I...don' da...

(MEANWHILE, Madi is yelling at Shadow)

Madi: SHADOW-CHAN!! Love potions are against the Otaku Legacy rules!

Shadow: ...Rules? What rules?!

Madi: THESE rules! *takes out a big book labeled 'The Otaku Legacy Rules'*

Shadow: ...Ooooooohhh...*pause* Well...what's done is done!

Madi:'re sorta right...*fanged grin* But it IS my fic and I can make Tasuki snap outta that love potion any time soon...

Shadow: *clings to the dazed Tasuki* NOOOOOOO!!!

Madi: *sigh* All right...I'll be nice. You can have 'fun' with Tasuki...for NOW.

Shadow: YAY!!! *gives Madi a deathgrip hug* YOU'RE THE BEST, MADI-CHAN!

Madi: o.O Can't...breathe...*turns blue* Sha...dow...chaaaaaaaaaaaann...

Shadow: *suddenly realizes Madi is half-dead and quickly releases her* Gomen ne!

(Madi falls to the ground unconscious)

Shadow: OH NO!! Mouth-to-mouth recessitation!! *bends down*

Madi: *eyes snap open and she kicks Shadow off of her* YOU FREAKIN' HENTAI! RULE #3--NO YAOI OR YURI!

Shadow: *hits the wall* Owies... *slides to the floor and then gets up* I'm not a lesbian! *cute face* I was just concerned for my friend...

Madi: Whatever. *turns to the remaining Seishi, which include Hotohori, Chichiri, Chiriko and Mitsukake* Hmm...which one to choose...

(The four Seishi twitch and cling to each other)

Madi: *to self* Hmm...I really think that Mitsukake's out of the question. NO ONE thinks he's bish...yekh. Hotohori...nah. I can't deal with ego like that.

Hotohori, Mitsukake: *turn to each other and sweatdrop* Eh...

Madi: I really do love Chichiri--he's #2 on my FY bish list--but Chiriko's just so ADORABLE--

Sammi: *clinging to Nuriko* EW!! You'd go for a TEN-YEAR-OLD?!

Madi: *turns around and waves Sorushina* HEY! Have you ever thought about how BISH he'd be if he was only a couple of years older?!

Chiriko, Chichiri: *turn to each other and sweatdrop* Eh?

(A brown-haired boy who looks like a chibi Keitaro [Love Hina] runs in and points at the four remaining Seishi)


Madi: *turns to the boy* MAX!! GET THE HELL OUTTA HERE!! *whacks him through the wall with her Sorushina*

Sammi:'re stuck, Madi-chan! *snicker* Chichiri's too old and Chiriko's too young!!

Madi: Well...I really think Chichiri's cute and all, but he's probably still not over the fianceé thing...

Chichiri: Umm...can you stop talking like we're not here no da?

Madi: *ignoring him* ...So I don't think that he'd go for anything, even if I was somehow able to lower his age. I'm kind of against using love potions...

(Shadow is standing over Tasuki)

Shadow: *nudges him* Tasuki-kun...wake uuuuuuup...

Tasuki: *dazed* Naniiiiiii...??

Shadow: YAY! You're awake! *drags him off to another bedroom*

Chichiri: *thinks: 'Uh-oh...this looks like it's getting rather...intense. I'd better have a talk with poor Chiriko...he's so confused...'* Erm...Chiriko no da...

Chiriko: Hai?

Chichiri: Can...I talk to you no da?

Chiriko: *blink* Well...sure!

(Chichiri leads Chiriko out of the main room)

Madi: *oblivious to what's going on* Hmm...well, I WOULD settle for Chiriko but he's so SMALL...*cries* DAMMIT!!! I'm only an author--I can only do kinky stuff to Shadow-chan, Heathy-chan and Sammi-chan! I'm not allowed to do stuff to the FY characters...I don't own them...

Sammi: So you OWN me?!

Madi: That's right! DAMMIT! I CAN'T DO ANYTHING!!

(Taiitsukun appears)

Taiitsukun: HONESTLY, Madi-chan, did you think you'd become my adopted granddaughter without getting a few powers?

Madi: *sparkly eyes* You mean...

Taiitsukun: That's right.

Madi: YAY!! *turns around* ...Where's Chiriko-kun?

Hotohori: *cough* Well...Chichiri went to...TALK to him...

Nuriko: *cracks up* AHAH!! Little wise guy hasn't had 'the talk' yet...

Sammi: O.o;; That's...disturbing...

Madi: ...okay...

Chiriko: *from another room* ...Nani?? Are you SURE, Chichiri-san?!

Sammi, Nuriko: *crack up* AHHAHHAAA!!

Madi: DAMMIT!! Looks like this'll take awhile...

Taiitsukun: Looks like I'd better stay here...just in case...

(A little while passes by and Sammi tries to get Nuriko to love her)

Sammi: But...Nuriko-sama--

Nuriko: I've said it SEVERAL times! I DON'T LOVE WOMEN!! You're a very nice girl, Sammi-chan...but my heart belongs to Hotohori-kun...

Sammi: KUSO!! YOU'RE GAY, NURIKO-SAMA!!! *puppy eyes...which just looks deformed on Sammi* Nuriko-sama...I'm your BIGGEST fan...

(Nuriko groans)

Sammi: ...and besides, Hotohori really doesn't like you!

Nuriko: WHAT?! *angry* Listen, Sammi-chan, just LEAVE ME ALONE!!

Sammi: *clings to Nuriko* BUT I WUV YOU!!

Nuriko: *in frustration, flings Sammi halfway across the room and into a wall* Oops...

(Sammi falls out of the wall and at Madi's feet)

Sammi: *crying* Madi-chan!!! I NEED YOU TO HELP ME!!

Madi: WHAT?! What can I do?! Nuriko doesn't love you...I think he made that much clear...

Sammi: *quickly thinking, she grabs Madi's oversized shirt* Turn me into a boy!!

Madi, Taiitsukun: WHAT THE FU--

Sammi: PLEASE!! Nuriko-sama doesn't like women, so...well, just turn me into a boy, and then when he's in love with me, turn me back!

Madi: *sigh* Fine...but...

Sammi: *panics* You CAN do that, right?!

Madi: Of course I can! I OWN you, remember?!

Sammi: -_-;; Oh yeah...

Madi: Okay...just prepare yourself for a little shock and maybe a nervous breakdown...

Sammi: I'm ALWAYS prepared for that.

Madi: Oh yeah...anyway, here goes nothing!

(Sammi glows white and then suddenly it isn't Sammi anymore. In her place is a light-brown-haired boy wearing a backwards green cap, a red shirt, and baggy jeans)

Madi: Whoa...Sammi-chan...

Sammi: *crazed laugh, speaks in a boy's voice* Not anymore--it's Sammi-KUN now!!!

Madi: Riiiiiiggghhht...*half-closed-eyes look* Ya know...whenever I say 'here goes nothing', it's really not freaking nothing.

(Sammi runs up to Nuriko and grabs his sleeve. Chichiri and Chiriko return from 'the talk', and Chiriko's face is slightly pale.)

Madi: *sees Chiriko and Chichiri* Ah! There you are! I've made my decision...

Chichiri, Chiriko: *exchange glances* Eh?

(Max runs back in, all bandaged up)


Madi: *hits him faaaaaaaaaaaaaar away with her Sorushina* Baka. -_-() *Clears throat* ANYWAY...

Chichiri: *steps forward* Erm...what are you going to do no da?

Madi: *smiles sweetly* Chichiri-san, I'm not going to do anything to YOU! I'm sure you're not over your fianceé yet, so...*looks past him at Chiriko, who looks nervous*

Chiriko: ...Nani...?! Umm...Madi-sama, what are you--

Madi: *grabs his arm, scaring the crap outta poor Chiriko* C'mere!

Chiriko: *looks fearfully at Chichiri* Chichiri-san?!

Chichiri: Umm...Madi-sama, what ARE you going to do no da?

Madi: Just make a few years' difference in Chiriko-kun's age.

Chichiri, Chiriko: NANI?!

Madi: OH COME OFF IT! Besides...Chiriko'll look soooooo bish when I'm done...

Chiriko: *looks up at Chichiri, veeeerry scared* Chichiri-san...I'm very frightened...

Chichiri: *coughs* Um...Madi-sama, that's ALL you're going to do, right no da? I mean, you're not going to mess with Chiriko's mind or looks no da?

Madi: *blinks* Why would I do that? Chiriko-kun's a cutie all by himself!! *smiles kawaii at Chiriko*

Chiriko: *nervous smile* Eh...arigatou...I think...

Madi: Here goes!!

(Chiriko glows white and suddenly he's about 5'1''. He looks about fifteen and his hair is a little longer)

Chiriko: Nani...?

Madi: *sparkly eyes* Chiriko-kun...look in a mirror...

Chiriko: *blink* Whatever for?

Madi: *hugs him* YOU'RE SO CUTE!

Chiriko: *blinks and his face does goes red like a thermometer* Umm...Madi-sama?!

Sammi: Ehehe...that means she likes you. A lot.

Chiriko: ...Likes me?

Sammi: Yup.

Chichiri: Hey...who are you no da?

Nuriko: That's what I'd like to know...that kid's been hanging off of me like there's no tomorrow...

Sammi: *sweatdrop* It's me, Sammi!

Nuriko, Chichiri, Chiriko: *stare and sweatdrop* Eh...?!

Max: *runs in on a crutch* Are you--

Madi: *whacks him with her fan through his previous hole in the wall* Don't. Even. Say it!

Nuriko: Umm...what happened to you?!

Sammi: *latches onto Nuriko* I had Madi-chan turn me into a boy so that you would love me!!

Madi: Don't tell me that's not dedication!

Nuriko: o.O;;; You WHAT?!

Sammi: *big eyes* Nuriko-sama...I love you so much!!! Please...

Nuriko: I...

Madi: Truthfully, Nuriko...*whispers* Hotohori doesn't really love you all that much, so I'd take what you can get!

Nuriko: *glare* But...

Sammi: PLEASE?! I'll do anything!! *cries* For the love of Suzaku, Nuriko-sama, I TURNED MYSELF INTO A GUY!!! JUST FOR YOU!


Madi: *groans* Nuriko, just shut up and love her--um...him. SHIM! That's right--

Sammi: WHAT?!

Madi: *ignores Sammi* If you don't, I'll turn you into a three-year-old. I CAN'T STAND IT WHEN SAMMI WHINES LIKE THAT!!

Sammi: ... *eye twitch* ...WHINES?! AND I AM NOT A SHIM!!

Nuriko: *looks at Sammi, then at Madi, then back at Sammi, and he groans* All right...

Madi: That's right!!

(Meanwhile, a little distance away, Chichiri and Chiriko are talking)

Chiriko: ...Chichiri-san?

Chichiri: Hai no da?

Chiriko: Why does Madi-sama like me so much?

Chichiri: Umm...well...I think it's because she thinks you're very handsome no da.

Chiriko: ...ME?!

Chichiri: ...Madi-sama was right no da...look in a mirror, Chiriko no da...

Chiriko: *blink* But...

(Madi comes over)

Madi: HI!

Chiriko: *is scared out of his mind and jumps onto Chichiri* EEP!

Chichiri: AH!! Get off no da!!

Chiriko: Gomen ne...*sorta slides off of Chichiri* just sort of scared me, Madi-sama...

Madi: *wry smile* Well, I do that to a lot of people.

Chiriko: *cough* Umm...Madi-sama...why do you like me so much?!

Madi: *blink*'re so kawaii!

Chiriko: *looks down* Is...that all you're concerned with? Looks?

Madi: Of course not! *puts a hand on Chiriko's shoulder, making him jump a little* You're very sweet, too, and you're so intelligent.

Chiriko: *blush* I...*coughs, shuffles his feet* Thank you...

Madi: *kawaii smile* You're welcome!

(Tasuki runs in, his face red and his hair is messed up)

Tasuki: ...That girl is insane...

Madi: o.o;; Tasuki...?! What the--

Shadow: *runs in the room and grabs Tasuki's arm* TASUKI-KUUUUN!

Tasuki: AAAH! Whaddaya--

Shadow: C'mon, Tasuki-kun! *drags him away*

Chiriko: ...Nani?? What were they doing?

Chichiri: no da...

Madi: *mutters* I'll say.

Chiriko: Nani? You mean one of those things that you were talking about, Chichiri-san?

Chichiri: *goes red* Ah...not really no da...

Madi: *puts a hand to her mouth to cover up the fact that she's laughing* Ppppbbt...

Chiriko: *looks at her* What...what's so funny, Madi-sama?!

Madi: *cracks up and falls on the floor* AHAHAHHA!!!

Chiriko: *concerned* Erm...Madi-sama?! Are you okay?!

Chichiri: ...I think she'll be fine no da...

Taiitsukun: *sigh* It looks like you'll all be staying for a while...

Chichiri: NANI NO DA?!

Taiitsukun: *gives him a look* You know, if a few of you are here, ALL of you are going to be here. *pause* I'd better fix up a few rooms for you all...

Madi: *gets up* There's plenty of space, Grandma.

Nuriko, Chichiri, Chiriko, Mitsukake, Hotohori: *fall over* GRANDMA?!

Madi: *sweatdrop* Oh...didn't I tell you? I'm Taiitsukun's adopted granddaughter!

Nuriko: *inches away* I'm scared...very scared...

(Madi glares at him)

Taiitsukun: *waves hand* Okay, you all have customized rooms now. Let me show you where they are.

(Taiitsukun leads the five Seishi away. Madi and Sammi sit on the ground)

Madi:'s it going with Nuriko?

Sammi: *sniff* Not much better...

Madi: Ready to be a girl again yet?

Sammi: I don't know...I think I'll give it a little more time. I don't think I've got Nuriko completely hooked yet...

Madi: Don't let him get TOO used to you being a boy...

Sammi: What's THAT supposed to mean?! *pause* Never mind. I don't want to know...*another pause*'s it going with CHIRIKO?

Madi: *sigh* Well, Chichiri spent a lot of time trying to explain 'the birds and the bees', and Chiriko-kun's so naïve...

Sammi: You COULD have picked Chichiri...remember?

Madi: *grin* I know...but there's just something about Chiriko-kun that's just sort of...I don't know. Besides...he's so bish at 15...

(About an hour later Taiitsukun reenters the room with the Seishi)

Taiitsukun: Are you all familiar with this place?

(The Seishi nod silently)

Taiitsukun: Good. *turns to Madi* If you need me, just call! *disappears*

Hotohori: What a huge's nearly half the size of the palace...

Madi: *grins* I love's just this main room *gestures to the huge room which is bare except for a few couches and pillows here and there* and that long hallway with all the rooms in it!

Chiriko: *cough* Ano...Madi-sama...

Madi: Yes?

Chiriko: *looks down* I...I've been thinking...

Madi: Yes?

Chiriko: *shuffles his feet* Well...there was something...I wanted to show you...that perhaps you might enjoy...

Madi: *oblivious* All right...where was it?

Chiriko: *is blushing slightly* Ah...let me show you... *takes her hand and leads her down the hall*

(Nuriko and Sammi exchange glances and raise their eyebrows)

Nuriko: *mischieviously* Something he wanted to show her?

Sammi: *evil grin* That she might enjoy?

(Nuriko and Sammi grin at each other evilly and laugh out loud)

Chichiri: *sweatdrop* Ano...what are you two planning no da?

Sammi: *grabs Nuriko's arm and starts to leave* Oh, nothing...nothing at all...

Chichiri: know, I don't think that either of them would appreciate you two spying on them no da...

Nuriko: *ignoring him* We'll see you later!

(Nuriko and Sammi head down the hall after Chiriko and Madi)

Chichiri: *sweatdrop* ... *turns to Mitsukake* You're going to have a lot of healing to do if they get caught no da...

(Mitsukake blinks, surprised)

Hotohori: ...Chiriko? He wouldn't lay a finger on them!

Chichiri: Not Chiriko...Madi-sama no da...

Hotohori, Mitsukake: Ooooooohh...*cringe*

(MEANWHILE, Chiriko is taking Madi...somewhere. Yeah.)

Madi: *is sort of tired after walking down that loooooooooooooooooooong hallway* Umm...Chiriko-kun...where are we going?

Chiriko: *slight blush* my room...

Madi: *still hasn't quite caught on* Oh. Okay. *mutters* Why did Taiitsukun have to make all the bedrooms so far down the corridor?!

(They finally reach Chiriko's room, and they walk inside. Chiriko shuts the door)

Chiriko: *cough* Umm...

Madi: *big eyes* Chiriko-kun... *looks at his room*

Chiriko: ...Yes...?

Madi: You've got so many books...

Chiriko: *blink* Um...yes, I do.

Madi: *grabs his hands* Can I borrow some later?!

Chiriko: *startled* Ah...okay...

Madi: *big hug* THANK YOU!! *Chiriko blushes HARD* I haven't had anything good to read in AGES! *lets go of Chiriko* I used to spend all my parents' money on books...then I sorta made them go broke, and they kicked me out of the house...that's why I've got THIS place!

Chiriko: Oh...

(Nuriko and Sammi watch through a crack in the door, Sammi sitting on top of Nuriko's back)

Madi: *sits down on Chiriko's bed* So...what was it you wanted to show me?

Chiriko: *sits down next to her* was really something I...wanted to do...

Madi: *blinks, completely oblivious* What was that?

Chiriko: *blushes* Ano... *takes Madi's hands in his* Umm...*kisses her quickly on the lips*

(Nuriko and Sammi looked at each other with evil grins)

Madi: *face goes red like a thermometer* Chiriko-kun...I... *puts a hand to her face; is lost for words* I...

Chiriko: *looks concerned* Did...did I do something wrong?

Madi: No! It's just that I...didn't expect that...

Chiriko: Is...that a bad thing?

(Nuriko and Sammi clap hands to their mouths, trying not to laugh)

Madi: No! I was just surprised, that's all...

Chiriko: *cough* Madi-sama...

Madi: Hai?

Chiriko: Umm...*blush* like me?

Madi: *hugs him softly* Of course I do. *pause* D' ME?

Chiriko: *kisses her head* Hai...

Madi: *leans her head against his chest* I'm glad.

Chiriko: *smiles a little* Can I ask you something?

Madi: Anything, Chiriko-kun.

Chiriko: Is it all right with you...if I call you Madi-chan?

Madi: Of course. *closes her eyes* Aishiteru...

Chiriko: *rests his head on hers* Aishiteru, Madi-chan...

(Nuriko and Sammi slip away)

-Later that night...-

(Madi is in the main room with Chichiri, Chiriko, Mitsukake, Hotohori, Nuriko and Sammi)

Madi: *sits on a couch* Where IS everyone?!

Sammi: ¬.¬ Isn't it obvious?

Madi: *falls over* They...they can't STILL be making out, CAN they?! I mean...there ARE limits to those kinds of things!!

Nuriko: *snort* I guess it's news to them, then.

Chiriko: *glances at Chichiri* ...I hope that what I'm thinking isn't the correct answer to my previous question...

Chichiri: *sweatdrop* Eh...I'm afraid it is no da...

Madi: *twitch; gets up* That's it...I think it's time for everyone to put their sex drives on low...

Hotohori: ...That could have been put in a nicer way...

Chiriko: o.o;;

Madi: Sammi, go get ready for's time for everyone to go to sleep. In SEPARATE beds.

Sammi: *snort* Okay...*leaves to get ready*

Nuriko: ...I'll be going now... *gets up to go to his room*

Chichiri: I think that we should do the same no da.

(Chichiri, Chiriko, Mitsukake, and Hotohori leave)

Madi: ...Fine... *goes off to drag Shadow and Heathy from their bishounen*

-A little later...-

(Madi finally drags Shadow and Heathy into the bedroom they share)

Madi: ...and you do realize that you can't make love forever, right?!

(Shadow and Heathy are completely ignoring her as they change into pajamas)

Shadow: *dreamily* I never would have guessed that someone who hated women could be such a good kisser...

Heathy: *sighs* Tamahome-kun...

Madi: *anime vein* WILL YOU TWO SHUT UP?!

(Sammi throws open the door and jumps on his/her bed)

Sammi: Hi!

Heathy, Shadow: *cling to each other* AIIIEE! HENTAI!!!

Sammi: *blinks, sweatdrop* Nani...?! I'm not a--

Heathy, Shadow: GET OUTTA HERE YOU PERVERT!! *throw heavy things at Sammi*


Heathy, Shadow: *blink, exchange glances* Nani?

Madi: *snort* That's Sammi, you idiots!!

Heathy, Shadow: *look at Sammi, then at each other* SAMMI!! YOU'RE A BOY!!

Sammi: ...No, really?

Heathy, Shadow: When did THAT happen?!

Madi: You two were so busy making out with Tamahome and Tasuki that you didn't notice anything else...

Shadow: But what HAPPENED?!

Madi: Well, Nuriko didn't like Sammi, so she begged me to turn her into a boy so that Nuriko would love her.

Heathy: *turns to Sammi* ...Did it work?

Sammi: Ano...not quite yet...

Heathy: *giggles* Hehe...

Shadow: ...What about you, Madi-chan?

Madi: *blink* What ABOUT me?

Shadow: *nudge* How's it going with Chichiri?

Madi: *blink* But...I didn't choose Chichiri.

Heathy: ...Then who? MITSUKAKE?! *She and Shadow fall down laughing*

Madi: XP NO!!! BAKA!! *cough* I chose Chiriko.

Heathy, Shadow: *stop laughing and stare at her* CHIRIKO?!

(The door opens and Chiriko pokes his head in)

Chiriko: Did someone call for me?

(Shadow and Heathy stare at Chiriko)

Heathy: Who is THAT?!

Madi: That's...Chiriko...

Shadow: *jumps up* NANI?! What HAPPENED to him?!

Chiriko: *is obviously startled* Nani...?

Madi: BAKA!! *hits her over the head with Sorushina* I RAISED HIS AGE!!!

Shadow: ITAI!! *rubs her head* can DO that?! But I thought that was against the rules for you!

Madi: *wink* I'm the granddaughter of Taiitsukun, remember?

Chiriko: *cough* this a bad time?

Heathy: *blinks* Whoa... *whispers to Madi* He got really bish...

Madi: *fanged grin* I know...

Chiriko: Ahh...hello?

(Everyone's heads snap towards him)

Madi, Shadow, Heathy, Sammi: Yes?

Chiriko: *blink, sweatdrop* I...think I'll be going...

Madi: *gets under the covers of her bed* Oyasuminasai, Chiriko-kun!

Chiriko: *smiles a little* Oyasuminasai, Madi-chan... *leaves, closing the door behind him*

Shadow: *blinks* ...Man, Madi-chan, you really did a job on him...

Madi: *yawns and shrugs* Not really...I just turned him to fifteen.

Sammi: *pulls covers over his/her head* Shuddup, alla you...I'm going to sleep...


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