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Benji pushed his head into my pillow. He obviously wasn’t awake. He looked so good. I didn’t know someone could look so good in the morning. Even though his eyeliner was smeared in odd directions over his face and his hair was flat, he was still the most gorgeous thing I had ever seen. At that moment, I wished that I wasn’t just a groupie.

I lifted up my head, and got out of the back room of the bus. Joel was sleeping on the top bunk of the bus. I was surprised to see him there. Benji and I hadn’t gotten in until one A.M. We were done and asleep by three. Joel hadn’t been there at three. He was out with Paul and Billy. They weren’t back yet, it looked like they hadn’t been back. I shuffled to the front of the bus where there was a mirror. My hair was sticking up in strange places. I tried to smooth the pink mess out. I saw benji in the mirror behind me. He put his arms around my waist and kissed my neck.

"I look bad." I said.

"You’re a punk, you shouldn’t care." He replied.

"I’m a girl, it’s my instinct." I claimed.

"Why are we out here?" He asked.

"Benj, darling, if you haven’t noticed, we are inside the bus." I said sarcastically.

"No, look’s a hotel." He pointed out the window. He was right, it was a hotel. A smart one that Benji was. Then I realized why Paul and Billy weren’t there.

"I don’t know, you took me here." I said.

"OK, so yeah, I was a little....screwed up last night, I’ll admit." He confessed, I nodded in agreement.

"Well, I can’t say I wasn’t."

"I need a shower. I say we invade a room and shower ,the bus shower sucks."

"Ok." I smiled.

"Joel," He screamed.

"What?" Joel replied, walking toward us, scratching his side.

"What room are Paul and Billy in?"

"Suite, uhhh, room 714." He replied. "Hey Rach."

"Hi, Joel." He came up to hug me, he kissed me right on the forehead. Joel walked over by Benji.

"We like it when you’re here." They said in unison. Yeah, twins, you can tell.

"I like it, too" I said, smiling and slightly confused.

"We need to come to Florida more often, we like you."

"Well, I kinda noticed...seeing know." I stammered.

"Yeah, we know" Joel said.

"Rach, what do you think you are?" Benji asked me.

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"I mean to Joel and I."

"Well, I think that I’m just a..." Joel cut me off.

"You aren’t ‘just a’ anything."

"And, you definitely aren’t just a groupie. Rach, you aren’t a groupie. We like you and if you haven’t noticed, we like you a lot."

"Yeah, I can tell, the way you....well, you know" I blushed, I can never talk about sex when they are both in the room. Although I’m pretty sure Joel knows what Benji and I do and Benji knows what Joel and I do.

"Look, uh, we are kind of caught in something here." Benji said.

"I know what you and Benji do. Benji knows what you and I do. And we are caught." Joel interrupted. OK, well, they just read my mind.

"We don’t want you to be ‘just a groupie’ you have been here for three years in florida and you have been our...well, our...’special friend’ when we are out here. And we don’t want you just for, well, sex."

"We want you to understand that." Joel said.

"I uh, don’t know what you are getting at here." I said.

"We have known you for a long time, and we have kept in touch and everything."

"Look, what benji is trying to say is that, we are kind of wondering if you just use us for sex. Do you?"

"Oh my God, if you could have been in my head last night, and this morning, you just..."Benji cut me off.

"I kind of WAS in your head last night.....your uh...mouth that is." He grinned.

"No, Benji, I mean like....emotionally. I don’t want to be your groupie. I really like you guys." There it was, ‘you guys’. As in there were two of them. I could see the dilemma, one of me, two of them.

