The Realm of the JuffD

Take a look around

Why Colgate Sucks
Van Halen is sweet
Tribute to BertC (at his request)
My Own Philosophies
Some Words to Live by
My Vice(s)
About the Author
Don't OD, free OD....

Hello, my name is Inigo Montoya. You killed my father, prepare to die. Actually, my name is Jeff Dibelius. Social Security card # and credit card # click here to find. Just kidding, at that specified Internet location you will not find them, you will find pictures of your mother nailing the hell out of every order in the class Mammalia. Man, you are one sick dude.
Above is CeCe Deville, the guitarist from Poison. A very prominent Van Halen Clone, Poison is what I would want my life to be like; sex, drugs, and rock n roll. Unfortunately, it will never be anything like that. How's Masturbation, the occasional beer, and lots of school? no viable substitute says I. But you gotta make due.
This website will always be under construction, that is until I get sick of working on it. Who knows when that would be, years? weeks? days? Right n

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