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Birthday- Jan. 18 1971 Birth Place- Bakersfield, California
Fullname- Jonathan Houseman Davis
Location- Long Beach, California
Piecings- 3 eyebrow rings
height- 5'11 or 6'2
Weight- 160lbs
Favorite color- Purple
TaT2s- bishop on his arm , HiV on his other arm and KoRn on his lower back
Favorite Place to eat- Taco Bell
Ex-Wife- Renee Perez
Status- single
Son- Nathan Houseman Davis
Highschool he attended- Highland High
Best Friend- Nathan Cox
Favorite Band- Duran Duran
Favorite Childhood toy- Robotron
Favorite horror movie- Exorcist
Favorite Smell- Leather

Jonathan Houseman Davis was born on a Wednesday on January 18, 1971 in Bakersfield, California. So he is now 30 years old. Jonathan had a hard life growing up. When he was very young he was raped and molested by his neighbor. He told his parents about it but they didn't do anything to stop it. Later, his parents got divorced when he was only three. He lived with his father who married an evil stepmother when Jonathan was 12. She would make fun of him and treat him like sh*t. Jonathan's song "Kill you" is about fantasizing him f*cking and killing her.

Meanwhile in Highland High School, Jonathan was interested in music and started taking bagpipe lessons and listening to classical music. He was also into 80's music. One of his favorite bands during the time was Duran Duran. Actually he liked them so much he would wear make-up to school. Obviously the reactions from his peers wern't positive. They called him faggot and tormented the poor kid. The cheerleaders and jocks would tease too. The song "Faggot" is about such experiences.

Also during the time Jon needed a job so he became a coroner assistent. He liked it a lot and in fact after high school he went to San Franciso's School of Mortuary Science. As an assistent Jonathan saw a lot of sick and twisted things that affected him deeply.Seeing so many victims in car accidents he has the fear to drive now. But what really blew his mind when he saw a 11 month old come in who was a rape victim. he wrote a song about it called "Pretty". Another song "Dead Bodies Everywhere" is about how his father who didn't want him to become a musician. Thus Jonathan had to stick with his job and see dead bodies everywhere.

Jonathan however was still into music and later joined the band Sexart, who he became the band's lead singer. Other members included Amir of Orgy, which Jonathan later signed to his record company Elementree Records. He was only in the band for about four months when Munky and Head discovered him at a local bar in Bakersfield. They needed a singer and though Jon was perfect. The whole psychotic headbanging thing that Jonathan use to do really got there attention. They approached Jon but at first he didn't want to do it. He went to a psychic for some advice and she said he world be stupid if he din't do it. So Jonathan went to the audition and he joined Creep which later was named KoRn. Jon also came up with the idea for the Korn logo to be written like in a child's handwriting using his left hand.

KoRn didn't start out big. They played at small gigs at parties and small clubs. Soon later in 1994 they made their first album self-titled. Most of the songs were about his life as a teenager, drugs, and harmful memories. A very powerful song, "Daddy" which was about the neightbor who raped him. It is such an emotional song that he only performed it live once because he would become to hysterical and emotional.

Between albums, his long time girlfriend Renee Perez had a baby on October 18, 1995, who they expected was to be a girl came out to be a boy named Nathan Houseman Davis.

KoRn didn't get much popularity yet even though they have performed with big acts. In 1996, Korn relesed their second album called "Life is Peachy." Basically the album had the same content as the first album and another emotional song I described earlier "Kill You." Soon after Jonathan's father heard the song and he divorced his wife.

KoRn again didn't get much attentin until "Follow the leader" came out with the all so famous song "Freak on the Leash" which surprisingly came out on MTV's TRl. All of the sudden KoRn has more fame and people know who they are. The album was a mix of rap and rock. Also their were guest appearences on the album like Fred Durst of Limp Bizkit and Ice Cube. All in which attracted people's attention. However all this fame was getting to Jonathan and his soon to be wife. They would argue more but he didn't want end the relationship because of his son Nathan. He didn't wan tto screw up his life like how his parents did. So he expressed his anger through song in "My Gift to You" which is another emotional song describing him killing Renee. He later married Renee on November 28, 1998 with a Renaissance theme. Renee dressed as a fairy and Jonathan as a night. It was a kick ass wedding but soon later Renee and Jon got divorced due his love intersts with young girls Jonathan then started going out with pornstar Kristan Thompson aka Deven Davis.

During the time KoRn was touring in Woodstock and The Rock is Dead Tour. But Jonathan was became very depressed. Every night he wanted to die. Even his own band members were stressing him. Evrything that was going on fueled for the next album "Issues" released in 1999. The album was a little more mellow then the rest but it was because of Jonathan's depression. He later got help and started taking Prozac to stop all the pain.

After a two year break with Korn's last realease, in 2002 Untouchables was released. With a great single "Here to stay" premiering on TRL as number one and the album released ranking numbeer two the Billboards, KoRn proved those who lost hope that Korn will always be strong. Jonathan is happy than ever with his now engaged girlfriend and a grammy for best metal preformance, what more can a man ask for.