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“ The scene opens on a building, derelict, decaying, pigeons flying around the insides depositing their bodily mess within the walls of this once fine institute, the building itself having been a stronghold for many businessmen throughout the years in which it stood, The area surrounding the old economic safe haven is also shrouded in dust and burnt out cars, the ground is black as night, no other colours apart from black, grey, a hellish red remaining on the scorched car doors and a white symbol painted to the side of the building a circle with the letter “N” is the only source of language the eye can see, then on the roof of the building a man can be seen peering toward the metropolis that can be seen on the horizon waiting for his chance to return to civilisation now he has his chance and he can return, this man, this being, this entity, this NEMESIS”

“Cut to the inside of the building, we pan around to see the decaying interior, a few pigeons fly past the camera follows them and then pans back to the ground floor, we move up a floor and pan around it’s the same story hollow and bare, starting up the stairs to the next floor the camera notices a figure in the far corner of the room staring out of the window at the city skyline brought to life by the sunset, a bird fly’s by knocking something to the ground it hit the floor with a crash, the figure turns around and notices the camera, slowly it moves forward, as it approaches the floor boards creek, closer, closer now the figure is dead centre for all to see a man clad in leather attire with white boots and long black hair stands in front of the camera and starts to speak”

Greetings to you, noble men and to my home, you may think that this is just another building waiting to be demolished but you see there are a great many things you don’t know and that I will reveal to you as the days pass and memory grows old, I found this place by mistake you know! “laughing” I was just another social outcast wandering around looking for food, water and anything that good keep me alive but instead I found this place and bore my roots into its concrete foundations making myself one with this old building, I wandered around thinking to myself how could someone just abandon this place it was like a palace to me, my safe heaven as it had been someone else’s in another time I have grown to love this place and I have had its mysteries revealed to me in strange ways but I feel as if its my duty to rebuild it make it what it once was and that my peers is why I return to your metropolis to earn the money and make this place a palace again, The way I return to your cities and towns is quite remarkable in the way that the only thing I know how to do well is violence and that really doesn’t get you anywhere, I tried to get a job in a music shop they said I was too gothic, I hit him, again with the bakers and the bank and the numerous coffee shops and cafes… they wouldn’t employ me because of my looks and my refusal to change, they were all dealt with accordingly. Then out of the blue I saw an advert in the paper asking for people to wrestle at a local show, I decided to give it shot and did so! I won my match hands down the other guy didn’t stand a chance against me! My anger, my fury, my quest were the things that spurned me on and I decided to carry on. After a while I was offered a contract with a federation with good money on offer to the victors, I toured the country several times round even spanning the globe once, I was one of the high earners the boss called me a superstar……..of course none of this mattered to me after all I was in it just for the money until one day another man came and beat me to a pulp and took my unwanted status as a superstar, this man was thrust into the limelight and given more money than anyone, I was unhappy at this to say the least I wanted the money and now I wanted the gold around his waist, a month went by as I watched him rise and rise in wealth until I got my shot and believe me I took it without a moments notice, I went out there and lets say it was a dynamic battle to say the least, blow after blow we swung at each other hoping that our next blow would put our opponent down we fought for an hour until he collapsed with chest pains, he clutched his chest and his eyes were fearful of the end he faced and it truly was the end, I saw my opportunity and took it I kicked him to the canvas and finished him off, I covered him 1,2,3 Now I had the gold and the spoils but he……well he had lost his livelihood “laughs” I was happy again for a long time the money and the glory were mounting up and I was reaping all the rewards enough to get a few floors repaired I had just started work on the third floor when news reached me of a new federation offering more money and more glory to the victors and the name of this fed you ask? The name of this federation is none other than MCW! So to the roster of MCW I say this to you……. I have come in search of only two things glory and fortune if you stand in my way you will get burned! I have done my homework on all of you………… a fair bunch I must admit but now I am here

“the man starts to walk away but continues to speak”

I will see you all at breakdown where I shall show you the meaning of wrestling the very core of it will be exposed to you and then after you have awoken you will realise that you have met your NEMESIS!!!!!!!

“The scene fades to black as laughter breaks out”