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My Little World of Anger and Depression

Hmmm.....How About A List Of My Interests

Welcome! I guess. My name is Sarah and I am 19 years old. I live in wonderful Lancaster Ohio, please don't waste your time coming to this town. It is nothing exciting to me, the only thing that excites me remotely is my friends. I am a freshman at Ohio University-Lancaster, with an undecided major for now, although I am considering a career in law-enforcement, ironic isn't it *inside joke* Right now you are at my wonderful corner of the internet world being bored to tears as I sit here and type this for you to read. Sorry I can't be more exciting. A Little about me would be that I am going thru a major Identity crisis rite now. Not only 3 months ago I was a preppy lil' bitch, but not your stereotypical prep, just wore their clothes, and now i've totally changed. Now I wear a lot of black and so on and I have a few piercings here and there but I dunno whats goin on. Of course as most of you all know, I am bisexual, I favor chicks a lil moreso than guys, but hey we all liek what we like. Right now i'm not dating anyone, I have too much to focus on with school and work. Now that I mention work. I work at a little video store here in Lancaster, been there 8 months now, it will be a year in July that I have been there. Longest I have ever kept a job I do believe. Well thats about all for me rite now, i'll get some pics on here as soon as I can.

Links To Pass Your Time Here

My Online Journal
Another Online Journal of Mine
My Other Website
Best Friend Brooke's Online Journal
Links To Boredom
Disgusting, sick stuff
Guitar Tablature
FInd Any Car Picture Here
Gotta Love Oprah Winfrey
MTV Website
