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TrippinThe titan tron lights up, Johnny James is seen in his office. A stage hand enters the through the door.

Stage Hand: Uh...Mr. James.

Johnny looks up at the man.

Johnny: Yeah, what's going on?

Stage Hand: Well, I have just been informed...That Kidd will not be here tonight.

Johnny stands up, a bit angered.

Johnny: I beg your pardon...What was that?

Stage Hand: Kidd has vanished. Nobody can get a hold of him, he isn't at his house...Nowhere.

Johnny paces a bit.

Stage Hand: WHat are you going to do about a Main Event?
Two weeks without one is very bad for ratings.

Johnny:Oh we'll have a main event...

Stage Hand: What do you mwean?

Johnny is about to tell him as the Aftershock opening video interferes.


Opening Match
Eric Golden vs Shawn Prime vs Kill Crazy

Match starts with Eric Golden and Kill Crazy locking up, Shawn Prime bounces off the ropes tackling both men. Golden picks himself up and starts exchanging punches with Prime, Prime ducks one of Golden's punches but Golden clotheslines Prime down to the mat. Golden is then turned around by Crazy who goes to hit a hurricanrana but Golden reverses with a huge powerbomb over the top rope knocking Crazy out.

Prime gets back to his feet and Golden charges at him, Prime hits Golden with a drop toe hold and goes for some sort of leg lock but Golden powers out of it. Prime looks a little shocked and goes for a leg trip take down but once again Golden out powers it and slams Prime on to the mat. Golden then dares Prime to get up, Prime does and goes for a running foreare but Golden ducks and hits a modified neck breaker as Prime rolls out of the ring. Mason: Eric Golden is just dominating his opponents.. Porter: It's only a matter of time before these guys understand that.

Crazy somehow gets back in the ring and removes the turnbuckle pad as Golden is looking down at Prime. Crazy grabs Golden by the hair and goes to slam his head into the exposed turnbuckle but Golden blocks and slams Crazy's head into it dropping Crazy to the mat where Golden locks in his modified version of the STF.. Crazy screams in pain and tries to climb but can't and is forced to tap out to Eric Golden.

Ref: Winner by Submission ERIC GOLDEN


Number one contender match for Womens Title
Felicia Jade vs Trish Stratus
Special Referee: Jennifer Jones

The cameras cut to ringside. The titon lights up and Johnny James appears

Johnny: Ladies and Gentlemen, im sorry to announce that the number one contender match for the Womens Title...has been cancelled. This is due to both the women in this match, not showing up. Which is why next week Felicia Jade will taken on Trish Stratus in a show or go match. If neither of these women show up, they will be fired on the spot! I do apologize again and i hope you enjoy the rest of the show!

The titon goes out.

After the match ends, Brandon remains in the ring. When suddenly one of the newer themes to pHw plays. Out from behind the curtain comes Eric Golden. The rookie that had a confrontation with backstage just days ago. He comes to the ring and gets in, he has a microphone in hand he raises it to his lips as he walks a bit closer to Brandon.

"So what's it going to be, Brandon? I know you heard my challenge to you a couple days ago. Are you up for wrestling someone who is more than willing to kick your ass?" he says.

Brandon taps the top of the microphone he has just been handed before saying anything.

"Eric, apparently you don't know too much about me. Because if you did, you would know that I never back down from a fight. No matter who it is, or what the stakes are."

Eric laughs and turns around.

"I figured you'd say that, Mr. Pay-Per-View. That's good to know. Because you've never faced someone with my sheer ability. My talent. And it'll show that you aren't worthy of holding that name after I embarass you next week," he stops, leaning against the ropes.

Brandon smiles.

"Is that so?" he paused for a moment catching his breath from his match. "If you are as big as you say you are, wouldn't you think I'd have heard of you before? Hell, wouldn't atleast one person in here know who you were? To me you're just another one of the new guys who thinks he is the next big thing. More like a big joke."

Eric pushes off of the ropes and stands face to face with Brandon.

"The name is Eric...Golden. And I'll be sure to help you remember it."

"Well you better do something, because so far...I've seen nothing." he lowers the microphone after saying this and gets closer to Erics face almost nose to nose.

Eric smirks and looks to the side, letting the microphone fall to his side, the distortion ringing through the arena. Then, he turns around again with a vicious right hand to the side of Brandon's face.

Brandon stumbles back a few steps. He stands there turned to the side for a moment, then fires back with a right of his own.

Eric places his hand on his face, shocked by Brandon's retaliation slightly but then laughs to himself before launching towards Brandon, pushing him shoulders-first into the mat and striking him with a flurry of punches.

Brandon fires back with more blows, each man firing at one another. Rolling around the ring beating the hell out of the other.

Eric is pushed up against the turnbuckle being struck with several punches to the gut before grabbing Brandon by the head and slamming it hard against the turnbuckle.

Eric delivers more and more blows to the head of Brandon. Brandon manages to get out of the corner and throw Eric into it. He then retaliates by throwing hard rights to Eric.

Eric falls back a few steps and falls to one knee. Brandon sees this as an opportunity and strikes his shoulder and neck with violent punches. Eric grabs Brandon's legs, pulling him to the ground and then locking in a modified STF, the legs in a reverse figure-four position and the neck locked in like a crossface.

Brandon yells in pain as he throws his arms out, scratching the mat as he tries to get away. As Eric tightens the hold the crowd starts cheering as two other men come rushing down the ramp to the ring.

Eric breaks the hold and slides out of the ring, escaping through the audience but still smirking at the crippled body of Brandon in the ring. He raises his arms in victory, walking backwards up the stairs in the crowd.


Triple Threat
Vampiro vs Riley Warr vs Carlito

The match gets underway and immediatly Carlito starts talking trash to Riley. Carlito smacks Riley, as he gets in his face. But from behind Vampiro grabs him and nails a big back suplex.

Vampiro rubs his boot across the face of Carlito then turns his attention to Riley. Vampiro lifts him up off the mat and nails a few rights to the jaw. Vampiro lifts him up for the Nail in the Coffin, but Carlito comes up from behind and pushes Vampiro over. Carlito starts to stomp away at Vampiro over and over, he then lifts him up and suplexes him. He goes for the pin, but it's only a 1 count.

Carlito complains to the ref, as Vampiro and Riley get back up. Riley walks over and spins Carlito around, he then lifts Carlito up and powerbombs him. As Riley turns around he is grabbed and Vampiro connects with the Nail in the Coffin and gets the pin fall.

Winner Vampiro

The Scene opens up in a dark rat infested dungeon. The fans are wondering what this place is. The camera's pan to a mysterious man hidden in the shadows. He's the same man from before, wearing all black and rocking ominously back and forth clutching himself.

???:The time is almost just mere weeks, I will reveal myself to the people. They don't understand me...they don't know the hell that I have gone through in my life...they don't know me at all! Ive been victimized by people my entire life...and when I arrive, it all stops. Ive seen what playing the nice guy gets you......NOT A GODDAMN THING!!!
....Its all fair play now.....I didn't realize mutilating another human being was so fun...just listening to him scream for his life, the pain in his eyes, the sorrow in his voice, begging for me to stop....but I refuse to stop. Pain is just a feeling ive come to know and love. And soon The Powerhouse Wrestling Federation...WILL FEEL MY PAIN!!!

The Man breaks out in Maniacal Laughter as the scene fades out. A Winged Skull appears on the screen and on the bottom, the words read
"He's Coming."


Comeback Match.
IceZ vs Brandon Davis

The two men stand in the ring loosening up for the match, both staring the other down. As the match begins they both walk to the center of the ring. They exchange a few words and then lock up.

IceZ, is moved back a step and then drove down to a knee for a split second. He gets back up and drives Brandon back and puts him on his knee. IceZ quickly applies a side headlock as Brandon is still down on one knee.

IceZ applies tremendous pressure, turning Brandon's face almost purple. But out of nowhere, Brandon slowly gets up and then lifts IceZ and nails a huge back suplex.

Brandon quickly rolls over for the pin but its barely even a two count. Brandon gets up and grabs IceZ to his feet by his hair. Brandon nails a few rights to the jaw of IceZ, then IceZ fires back with a few of his own.

They stand in the center of the ring exchanging rights, but the ref tells them to open the fist. So as Brandon is preoccupied with the ref, IceZ slaps Brandon across the face.

Brandon turns to the side for a moment, with his mouth open wide along with his eyes. He turns and then lifts IceZ up by both legs and drops him down to the mat. Brandon rubs his forearms across IceZ's face for a moment and then hops up. He walks into the rope and comes back, then leaps into the air and drops his knee on IceZ's face.

Brandon lifts IceZ up slowly but as he does IceZ pokes him in the eye. Brandon stumbles for a few moments and somehow makes his way back into the direction of IceZ as he is hit by a flying clothesline. IceZ lifts him off the mat and sends him into the ropes. As Brandon comes back he ducks under IceZ's arm. He comes back and slides under the legs of IceZ. As IceZ turns around Brandon meets him with the Davis Destroyer.

He quickly jumps on to IceZ and goes for the cover.


Winner Brandon

The show cuts back to ringside. Foxy, Foxy by Rob Zombie blasts over the arena. Kelly Fury appears on the ramp with her two titles, wearing a referee belly shirt and black hot pants with black knee boots. Jennifer is by her side with her Women’s title as they head down the ramp to a chorus of boos.

Lilian: Ladies and Gentlemen making their way to the ring, they are The Special Guest Referee and Special Commentator in the following match…Kelly Fury and Jennifer Jones!

Kelly hands Jennifer her titles before getting into the ring in her usual Stacy Keibler fashion, making the male fans go wild. Jennifer makes her way over to the announce table. She puts on a set of headphones

Mason: Well we are being joined by the lovely Jennifer Jones

Jennifer: Thanks for having me boys!

Porter: What do you think we can expect from this match Jennifer?

Jennifer: With Kelly as referee…I’m not sure, but I know she is willing to let all the competitors beat the living crap out of each other!

Suddenly The Masterpiece Conspiracy blasts over the PA. Perfection appears from behind the curtains and make their way down the ramp

Lilian: Making their way to the ring, they are former Tag Team Champions, Perfection!

They get into the ring and raise their arms. Suddenly Hell by Disturbed blasts over the arena. Chelle appears from behind the curtains to a mixed reaction from the crowds. She makes her way down the ramp

Lilian: And their opponent, making her way to the ring, she is a pHw Hall of Famer, Chelle Fury!

Chelle gets into the ring. She looks at Kelly, then at Perfection. Suddenly the lights in the arena go out

Porter: Oh my god, whats going on

Mason: Has Kelly set this up?

Jennifer: If she has, she didn’t tell me about it

The titon tron suddenly lights up and a winged skull appears flashing as the lights in the arena turn red. Everyone is wondering what the hell is going on. Suddenly it disappears. Kelly quickly calls for the bell


Chelle is quick into play as she charges at Perfection with a Double Clothesline. She backs away from them as Masters gets to his feet. He and Chelle start to exchange blows as Kurt gets to his feet. Kurt sneaks up behind Chelle and delivers the Olympic Slam. He quickly goes for the pin. Kelly falls to her knees and counts

Ref: 1…

She suddenly stops and looks at her nails. Masters slaps her shoulder a little telling her to continue the count, but its too late as Chelle has kicked out. Kurt and Masters argue with Kelly. She holds up her hand showing that she has broke a nail.

Porter: Did she stop counting because she broke a nail?

Jennifer: Hey it costs a lot of money to keep nails looking that good!

Mason: Yeah porter

Chelle sneaks up behind Perfection and grabs Kurt delivering a Neck Breaker. She quickly gets to her feet again and locks up with Masters. He head butts her making her stumble back. He grabs her and delivers a powerful DDT

Jennifer: I must say, its great watching Chelles face being smashed into the mat

Masters pulls Chelle to her feet. He turns her so her back is to his stomach. He gets her in the Masterlock, but before she falls to her knees, she bends her leg back kicking Master’s in the balls and breaking the hold


Jennifer: She cheated though, KELLY SHE CHEATED!!

Kelly wasn’t paying attention though as she is still upset about her broken nail. Chelle grabs Masters and delivers a Swinging DDT. She gets up and notices Angle getting back to his feet, she attempts to charge at him with a Spear but he moves out of the way and Chelle goes through the ropes, but she grabs on keeping her on the Apron. Angle pulls her in by her foot and applies the Ankle Lock. Chelle yells in pain and grabs the bottom rope. Kelly is looking right at her and smirking

Porter: Why isn’t she breaking the hold?

Jennifer: She wants her to feel pain DUH!

Masters slowly uses the ropes to pull himself to his feet. Kelly walks over to Kurt and pulls him off Chelle, you can hear her saying “That’s enough”

Jennifer: See, when Kelly thinks its enough, then the move can be broke!

Chelle rolls around the mat holding her ankle in pain. Both Angle and Masters start to stomp down on her. Kelly breaks it up and even helps Chelle to her feet. Chelle looks at her weirdly. Angle charges at Chelle only to be met by a Spinning Heel Kick. As Masters gets back to his feet, Chelle charges at him connecting the Spear. Angle is up and pulls Chelle off him and tosses her into the corner. Angle charges at her, but Chelle moves out of the way as Kurt rams his shoulder into the turnbuckle

Porter: Chelle just never gives up!

Kelly starts to get frustrated as she shakes her head and throws her arms down. She rolls out of the ring and walks over to Jennifer as Chelle rests in the corner whilst Perfection is down. Kelly says something to Jennifer. Jennifer tosses her headphones off as Kelly grabs one of her titles. She rolls back into the ring. Jennifer follows her. She walks right up to Chelle and gets in her face, Chelle laughs and shoves her away. Chelle and Jennifer start to exchange blows. Masters gets to his feet and grabs Chelle. He delivers a powerful DDT to her. He then pulls her up and holds her for Kelly to hit with the title. The crowds erupt into a fit of boo’s.

Porter: Oh my god, this isn’t right!

Kelly strokes her title as Jennifer stands beside Masters and Chelle chanting Kelly on. Kelly then smirks and looks at Chelle. She yells to her “This is what you deserve you bitch!”

Suddenly Kelly swings the title, but she doesn’t hit Chelle, in fact she hits Jennifer. The crowds stand in shock. Masters laughs and lets Chelle go, he helps her to her feet as they all laugh

Mason: What the hell is going on?

Chelle says something to Kelly. Kelly then pulls Jennifer to her feet and tosses her into the corner. Chelle and Kelly then deliver a Double Fists of Fury

Porter: Oh my god…what does this mean?

The crowds are going wild, confused, but loving it. Wayne Jones suddenly runs down the ring and gets in Kelly’s face. Kurt grabs him from behind and delivers the Angle Slam. Kelly orders a microphone and snatches it from the Lilians hand. She clears her throat before raising the microphone to her lips

Kelly: Im sure you are all wondering, just what is going on

Mason: You’ve got that right

Kelly: Well you see. I was sick…and tired of being the one in The New Wave that….was doing everything. I’m the double…oh excuse me, soon to be Triple Champion here. I’m the one that busts my ass off…well Chasm does also, but all Wayne and Jennifer do is bitch and moan. So as of today, The New Wave is officially dead, cause without me and Chasm…you guys are nothing. Now, Chasm is probably sitting backstage shocked, if he would rather stay with these two losers right here, that’s fine by me. But im sure he will stay with the person who will make him the most money!....anything you want to add sis?

Kelly hands Chelle the microphone



Chelle Fury vs. Perfection,

The show cuts back to ringside. Foxy, Foxy by Rob Zombie blasts over the arena. Kelly Fury appears on the ramp with her two titles, wearing a referee belly shirt and black hot pants with black knee boots. Jennifer is by her side with her Women’s title as they head down the ramp to a chorus of boos.

Lilian: Ladies and Gentlemen making their way to the ring, they are The Special Guest Referee and Special Commentator in the following match…Kelly Fury and Jennifer Jones!

Kelly hands Jennifer her titles before getting into the ring in her usual Stacy Keibler fashion, making the male fans go wild. Jennifer makes her way over to the announce table. She puts on a set of headphones

Mason: Well we are being joined by the lovely Jennifer Jones

Jennifer: Thanks for having me boys!

Porter: What do you think we can expect from this match Jennifer?

Jennifer: With Kelly as referee…I’m not sure, but I know she is willing to let all the competitors beat the living crap out of each other!

Suddenly The Masterpiece Conspiracy blasts over the PA. Perfection appears from behind the curtains and make their way down the ramp

Lilian: Making their way to the ring, they are former Tag Team Champions, Perfection!

They get into the ring and raise their arms. Suddenly Hell by Disturbed blasts over the arena. Chelle appears from behind the curtains to a mixed reaction from the crowds. She makes her way down the ramp

Lilian: And their opponent, making her way to the ring, she is a pHw Hall of Famer, Chelle Fury!

Chelle gets into the ring. She looks at Kelly, then at Perfection. Suddenly the lights in the arena go out

Porter: Oh my god, whats going on

Mason: Has Kelly set this up?

Jennifer: If she has, she didn’t tell me about it

The titon tron suddenly lights up and a winged skull appears flashing as the lights in the arena turn red. Everyone is wondering what the hell is going on. Suddenly it disappears. Kelly quickly calls for the bell


Chelle is quick into play as she charges at Perfection with a Double Clothesline. She backs away from them as Masters gets to his feet. He and Chelle start to exchange blows as Kurt gets to his feet. Kurt sneaks up behind Chelle and delivers the Olympic Slam. He quickly goes for the pin. Kelly falls to her knees and counts

Ref: 1…

She suddenly stops and looks at her nails. Masters slaps her shoulder a little telling her to continue the count, but its too late as Chelle has kicked out. Kurt and Masters argue with Kelly. She holds up her hand showing that she has broke a nail.

Porter: Did she stop counting because she broke a nail?

Jennifer: Hey it costs a lot of money to keep nails looking that good!

Mason: Yeah porter

Chelle sneaks up behind Perfection and grabs Kurt delivering a Neck Breaker. She quickly gets to her feet again and locks up with Masters. He head butts her making her stumble back. He grabs her and delivers a powerful DDT

Jennifer: I must say, its great watching Chelles face being smashed into the mat

Masters pulls Chelle to her feet. He turns her so her back is to his stomach. He gets her in the Masterlock, but before she falls to her knees, she bends her leg back kicking Master’s in the balls and breaking the hold


Jennifer: She cheated though, KELLY SHE CHEATED!!

Kelly wasn’t paying attention though as she is still upset about her broken nail. Chelle grabs Masters and delivers a Swinging DDT. She gets up and notices Angle getting back to his feet, she attempts to charge at him with a Spear but he moves out of the way and Chelle goes through the ropes, but she grabs on keeping her on the Apron. Angle pulls her in by her foot and applies the Ankle Lock. Chelle yells in pain and grabs the bottom rope. Kelly is looking right at her and smirking

Porter: Why isn’t she breaking the hold?

Jennifer: She wants her to feel pain DUH!

Masters slowly uses the ropes to pull himself to his feet. Kelly walks over to Kurt and pulls him off Chelle, you can hear her saying “That’s enough”

Jennifer: See, when Kelly thinks its enough, then the move can be broke!

Chelle rolls around the mat holding her ankle in pain. Both Angle and Masters start to stomp down on her. Kelly breaks it up and even helps Chelle to her feet. Chelle looks at her weirdly. Angle charges at Chelle only to be met by a Spinning Heel Kick. As Masters gets back to his feet, Chelle charges at him connecting the Spear. Angle is up and pulls Chelle off him and tosses her into the corner. Angle charges at her, but Chelle moves out of the way as Kurt rams his shoulder into the turnbuckle

Porter: Chelle just never gives up!

Kelly starts to get frustrated as she shakes her head and throws her arms down. She rolls out of the ring and walks over to Jennifer as Chelle rests in the corner whilst Perfection is down. Kelly says something to Jennifer. Jennifer tosses her headphones off as Kelly grabs one of her titles. She rolls back into the ring. Jennifer follows her. She walks right up to Chelle and gets in her face, Chelle laughs and shoves her away. Chelle and Jennifer start to exchange blows. Masters gets to his feet and grabs Chelle. He delivers a powerful DDT to her. He then pulls her up and holds her for Kelly to hit with the title. The crowds erupt into a fit of boo’s.

Porter: Oh my god, this isn’t right!

Kelly strokes her title as Jennifer stands beside Masters and Chelle chanting Kelly on. Kelly then smirks and looks at Chelle. She yells to her “This is what you deserve you bitch!”

Suddenly Kelly swings the title, but she doesn’t hit Chelle, in fact she hits Jennifer. The crowds stand in shock. Masters laughs and lets Chelle go, he helps her to her feet as they all laugh

Mason: What the hell is going on?

Chelle says something to Kelly. Kelly then pulls Jennifer to her feet and tosses her into the corner. Chelle and Kelly then deliver a Double Fists of Fury

Porter: Oh my god…what does this mean?

The crowds are going wild, confused, but loving it. Wayne Jones suddenly runs down the ring and gets in Kelly’s face. Kurt grabs him from behind and delivers the Angle Slam. Kelly orders a microphone and snatches it from the Lilians hand. She clears her throat before raising the microphone to her lips

Kelly: Im sure you are all wondering, just what is going on

Mason: You’ve got that right

Kelly: Well you see. I was sick…and tired of being the one in The New Wave that….was doing everything. I’m the double…oh excuse me, soon to be Triple Champion here. I’m the one that busts my ass off…well Chasm does also, but all Wayne and Jennifer do is bitch and moan. So as of today, The New Wave is officially dead, cause without me and Chasm…you guys are nothing. Now, Chasm is probably sitting backstage shocked, if he would rather stay with these two losers right here, that’s fine by me. But im sure he will stay with the person who will make him the most money!....anything you want to add sis?

Kelly hands Chelle the microphone

Chelle: I bet you are all wondering how this happened. You see, me and Kelly…we’ve been cool over the past few days. She realised that she was being used to get all the glory for the New Wave and as her big sister, I was there to help her, I told her to get away from them chumps and start doing her own thing. Now Perfections part in all this, that’s easy. I explained to them guys what was going down and they where more than happy to help. Sure we all may dislike each other, but once he heard we where banging the final nail into The New Waves coffin, they just couldn’t resist. Its such a shame this was Perfections last match, but hey at least you guys didn’t lose!

They all smile. Kurt takes the microphone

Angle: And at least you didn’t win!

Chelle laughs as Kurt tosses the microphone down. All four of them raise their arms as the show goes to a commercial.

Winner No Contest?????

Cameras go to ringside with Johnny Porter and Derrick Mason.

Johnny Porter: Ladies and Gentlemen, this is turning out top be a blockbuster of a night!

Derrick mason: That's right Johnny, we've just crowned a new Extrreme champion.

Johnny Porter: Not only that. But, the REAL Zombie...Vampiro ladies and gentlemen, Vampiro is back!

Derrick Mason: And this just from the desk of Johnny James! We will be having a...

"Burried Alive by Time" by Evergreen Terrace begins to play over the PA system. Johnny James steps out onto the ramp with the World Title over his shoulder. He also has a microphone in his hand, the crowd cheers as the music fades out.

Johnny James: Well I was going to have you say it Derrick, but forgive me, I wanted to deliver this news myself.

Derrick mason nods.

Johnny James: As you all know, Kidd, too has gone AWOL on us.

The crowd boos.

Johnny James: Not to worry though! I've got your back...We will have a main event!, and it will involve this title I have around my shoulder.

The crowd cheers.

Johnny James: However...It will not be a wrestling match. I will be presenting the Undisputed World Heavywieght Title to a woman who clearly deserves it...Kelly Fury!

The crowd errupts with cheers for Kelly.

Johnny Porter: Wow! What an announcement! We're finally going to have a champion!

Derrick Mason: Hopefully there will be no problems!

Johnny Porter: Don't jynx it!

pHw goes to a commercial.

Triple Threat
Extreme Title
Arioch vs. Axel vs. Orion

Match starts with Axel and Orion locking up, Right away Axel suplexs Orion getting on a quick offense. Arioch and Axel start exchanging blows and Axel starts losing steam as Arioch drives Axel all the way back to a corner and pounds Axel down. Arioch backs up and goes to hit a running knee to Axel but Orion hits a dropkick on Arioch out of no where, Axel see's a brief opening and rolls out of the ring and grabs a chair and slides back into the ring. Orion gets up and Axel goes to hit Orion with the chair but Orion ducks, Orion then hit's Axel with a couple of quick lefts followed by a huge right that knocks Axel down. Arioch silently picks up the chair as Orion turns around Arioch levels Orion with the chair and goes for the pin but is broken up right away by Axel.

All three men are down on the mat, Axel being the first to his feet followed by Arioch. Axel and Arioch once again start exchanging punches but Axel gets the upper hand and whips Arioch into the ropes, Arioch bounces off and Axel kicks Arioch in the stomach and goes for Lights Out but Arioch pushes Axel off and dropkicks Axel out of the ring. Arioch stands by the ropes looking at Axel trying to pull himself up, Out of no where Orion dropkicks Arioch out of the ring and then falls back down. Axel smiles as he grabs a monitor from the announcers table and smacks Arioch in the head with it. Axel then looks to got a twisted idea and starts to smile.

Mason: Our Monitor, And then that look from Axel.. I don't want to know what that man is thinking.

Porter: This is the time Axel usually shines.

Axel walks to a side of the ring pulls out two tables, a trash can, a trash can lid, a bag, lighter fluid, and barb wire bat and a ladder! Axel slides all this stuff into the ring and sets up one table and dumps the bag on the table out falls broken glass. He takes pieces of broken glass and puts it under the table. Axel then sets up the ladder in the middle of the ring and then the second table and pours the lighter fluid on it. Axel rolls out of the ring and rolls Arioch back into the ring and picks up the trash can and knocks Arioch right back down with it. Orion turns Axel around and Axel hit's Orion with the trash can as well. Orion is down and out from the loss of blood.

Axel gets a sick smile on his face and places the trash can lid on Orions face and picks up the barbwire bat and starts smacking the trash can lid into Orions face as the crowd just hears Orion groan in pain. Axel gets a cheer from the fans as he holds up the bat, Axel then picks up Orion and walks over to the table with glass all over it and gives Orion the Axel Bomb through the table. Orion lays in whats left of the table bleeding. Arioch stands on the ladder and Axel runs up behind Arioch and clotheslines Ariochs back. Axel starts the second table on fire and then climbs the opposite side of the ladder and the two men start exchanging punches on top of the ladder. Axel get the better of Arioch as stops to hold himself as Axel turns himself around grabs Arioch and drops hitting the Lights Out as Arioch flies off the ladder and goes through the flaming table. Axel puts his foot on Arioch as the ref counts the pin.

Ref: 1..2..3..

Winner and New Xtreme Champion AXEL!


United States Title
Ladder Match
Wayne Jones vs. Chasm

[The crowd cheers music comes over the Pa and it’s Chasm at the top of the ramp holding ½ of the tag team gold. He is standing at the top of the ramp looking at the crowd giving them a smirk . He proceeds down the ramp, and walks up the steps to the ring. He walks in the center of the ring hold up his gold. Then the music changes and Wayne Jones music comes on and he appears at the top of the ramp. He stops half down the ramp and points to the ladders on the outside of the ring.. He makes is way down the ramp slides in the ring and gets in Chasm’s face and points up to the United States belt hanging above the ring.. ]The are chest to chest talking smack to each other..

Porter: These guys can't wait to battle…..

[The referee splits the two, explains the rules and calls for the bell...


Chasm connects with a quick right hand to the face, and follows with a second, forcing Wayne stumbling back on his heels. Chasm charges forward and tackles him, capitalizing on the loss of balance.]

Mason: Chasm is quick, not letting him up..

[Wayne gets locked up under Chasm’s left arm and the two are tied up, not moving. The referee breaks the hold and the two men stand.]

Mason: So much for that hold.

[The two men lock up again, and Wayne spins around, putting his back to Chasm, then flips him over onto the mat.]

Porter: Quick snap Suplex!

[Wayne drops a hard elbow onto Chasm’s face then lifts him, Irish whips him into the ropes quickly. Chasm returns and is laid out by a closeline from Wayne]

Mason: Wayne slides out and gets a ladder and slides it into the ring. He sets it up and climbs to steps.

NO! Chasm gets up.. And kicks the ladder into the ropes. Wayne falls feet 1st on the mat..As Chasm is still stumbling around

Porter: Wayne lifts Chasm again, and plants him face-first into the turnbuckle. Wayne backs away now...

Mason: He is stepping back for another attack

(Wayne runs to the corner)

Porter: NO! Chasm falls out of the way! Wayne is caught in the ropes, his forehead bleeding from contact with the open buckle..!

Chasm slides out and grabs a ladder throws it in the ring. Chasm sets it up and starts the climb for that 2nd set of gold. Wayne stumbles up and climbs the other side..

Porter: These two folks are crazy.

Mason: They are beating on each other.

They get to the top and both reach for the gold and hitting each other. Then Chasm chops Wayne in the neck and grabs the loop that the belt is on holding on kicking Wayne in the gut as the ladder falls. Wayne goes to the outside and Chasm falls in the center of the ring The Refs on the outside look at Chasm and Wayne checking on them. Wayne slowly gets to the steps and holds himself up. Chasm is rolling around in the ring getting himself up by help with the ropes.. Wayne slides back in the ring. They both lock up yet again..

Porter: This is a great match..

Mason: Ouch did you see that…

Chasm starts landing rights and lefts to Wayne.. Chasm grabs Wayne and throws him into the ropes.. Wayne comes back at Chasm nailing him with a cross body.. Wayne starts kicking Chasm then gives him a leg drop.. Wayne picks up Chasm and kicks him out of the ring..

Wayne slides out and gets a ladder…Not knowing that Chasm is on the other side getting a ladder out too. They both slide the ladders into the ring before getting in themselves. Wayne grabs Chasm and delivers Bow Down. Wayne then sets up one of the ladders and climbs up. He unhooks the belt as the ref calls for the bell

Lilian: The winner of this match and still United States Champion....Wayne Jones!

Wayne jumps off and raises the title. He then pulls Chasm to his feet and sets him against the ropes. Chasm looks up at him, Wayne is holding his hand out to shake Chasm's, Chasm shakes it as the show goes to another break.

Winner Wayne Jones


Main Event!

PHW returns from commercials to ringside. Sebastian Croft is seent in the middle of the ring which has a red carpet covering the surface. A red carpet is also trailing down to the ring from the entrance ramp. Croft stands in the middle of the ramp with the Undisputed Title over his shoulder. He raises the mic. to his mouth.

Sebastian Croft: Ladies, gentlemen, friend, and family! There are few men who can say they've held the title I have over my shoulder, needless to say, even fewer women can say that they've held this title. However, now I'd like to introduce a woman who has an undefeated singles record, Kelly Fury!

"Foxy, Foxy" by Rob Zombie begins to play over the PA system. The crowd errupts with cheers and a standing ovation. Kelly steps out onto the ramp with the Intercontinental title and tag title over her shoulders. She begins to descend the ramp towards the ring.

Derrick Mason: Here she is, the woman of the hour.

Johnny Porter: And it's pretty apearant that she will be our next Undisputed Champion!

Derrick Mason: Well she deserves it!

She climps the steps, Sebastian pushes the ropes down, helping her get through. They shake hands and stand face to face.

Sebastian Croft: Kelly...You've probably been waiting your whole life for this moment haven't you?

Kelly smiles and nods.

Sebastian Croft: So many have fought over this title...All the blood...The sweat...And the tears that have been shed over this title is undescribable.

Kelly nods once more.

Sebastian Croft: There had been talk of you getting a title shot ever since your singles record reached 10 wins, zero losses, but here you are now, with a singles record of 25 wins, and still ZERO losses. Many have claimed that you are the perfect candidate for such an honor...Many would already consider inducting you into the hall of fame...Many have said that you are the greatest wrestler in the business...

Kelly smiles, a tear rolls down her cheek.

Sebastian Croft: And all these people here would love for me to just shut up and hand you this title...And I bet that's what you would love too...

Kelly laughs, as does Sebastian, the crowd begins to cheer loudly as he extends the title toward her, and as her hands touch it an evil smile forms on the face of Sebastian Croft, the cameras zoom out to reveal that Powerhouse is standing directly behind Kelly.

Derrick Mason: Oh my god...That's Powerhouse...

Johnny Porter: Powerhouse is back!

Kelly is still clueless and is confused by the look on Croft's face, he signals for her to turn around, she does only to see Powerhouse towering over her. She stands relentless. Powerhouse rears his hand back and strikes Kelly once in the face. Kelly responds with a punch of her own. He kicks her in the gut and delivers the POWERPLEX! He picks the belt off the ground and points to it yelling "It's mine!"

Johnny Porter: My god, somebody stop this!

Johnny James runs out and down the ramp, he pulls Kelly out of the ring, he slides in and gets in the face of Sebastian Croft.

Johnny James: So this is your idea of a joke? This will not happen!

Sebastian Croft: That's where you are wrong. This HAS happened...Papers are signed, and it is set, Powerhouse is our new champion, and I'm sorry there is nothing you can do about it...

Johnny paces, Powerhouse stands behind Croft. Johnny studies him over.

Johnny James: That is where you are wrong...He may be champion, but I can assure you, that at Souled Out, he wont be, because I am booking, right here and right now, a Triple Tier Cage match! Powerhouse, versus Kelly Fury!

The crowd cheers. Croft looks at Johnny angered. Powerhouse pushes croft aside, getting in the face of Johnny...He rears his hand back to hit him but Johnny pushes him back against the ropes, Johnny then slides out of the ring, helping Kelly to her feet. He points to her "This is the true champion!" Powerhouse stares at both of them suriously as Aftershock comes to a close.