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' V i v a    L a     R a s a ! '

|| Role-Play # : 1 || Record : 0 - 0 - 0 ||
|| Achievements
: none yet||


After coming from a commercial break, the camera takes us out to the parking lot where one of the newest superstars of the LDW is suppose to be arriving very shortly. Interviewer Maria Kanellis is already outside waiting with a bored look on her face with a microphone in her hand. She looks at her watch and sighs until suddenly from the other side of the parking lot, we hear a loud thumping noise as it approaches closer and closer to Maria to a point where she can feel the ground vibrating. The camera pans to the left as we can see a black car heading her way with the music blasting. As the camera gets a close up of who’s driving the car, the fans go crazy as Maria’s face lights up and she starts to smile. We hear the ever so familiar “Orale” as Eddie parks his black low rider in a space near Maria and gets out along with his nephew Chavo Guerrero Jr. Eddie is wearing black pants, a white dress shirt and white snake skin boots while Chavo is wearing blue jean pants, black sneakers and a “We Lie, We Cheat, We Steal” T-shirt. As Los Guerreros approach Maria, she tucks some of her hair behind her ear and swallows a lump in her throat as Eddie begins to speak.

[Latino Heat]=Eddie Guerrero]: (filled with energy) hola mami! Que paaaaaassssa?

[Pretty But Dumb As Hell]~Maria]: (smiling) hi Eddie, Hi um…uh…what’s your name again?

[Chavito Heat]=Chavo Guerrero Jr.]: (frowns) what?! Y-you don’t know my name? (chuckles) your kidding me right?

[Pretty But Dumb As Hell]~Maria]: (lowers her eyebrows) actually, I don’t really recall seeing you wrestle when I first came into the wrestling business. Sorry…

[Chavito Heat]=Chavo Guerrero Jr.]: (turns to Eddie) uncle Eddie, do you hear this crap? She doesn’t remember my name but she remembers yours?

[Latino Heat]=Eddie Guerrero]: (laughs to himself) easy Chavito, don’t even worry about it. (whispers in his ear) besides holmes, I heard she was a…slow.

[Chavito Heat]=Chavo Guerrero Jr.]: (nods) ooooooh so that’s what it is. She’s slow.

Maria stands there frowning as she starts to twirl the ends of her hair around her index finger with an innocent look on her face as Eddie looks back at her and cracks a smile.

[Latino Heat]=Eddie Guerrero]: you know what mami? Don’t even mind little Chavito here. He’ll get over it.

[Pretty But Dumb As Hell]~Maria]: so that means I can start with my interview now?

[Latino Heat]=Eddie Guerrero]: hey if you want to interview Mr.Latino Heat then be my guest. (smiles)

[Chavito Heat]=Chavo Guerrero Jr.]: but Eddie, I-(gets cut off)

[Latino Heat]=Eddie Guerrero]: ¡Cállese! Chavo!

[Pretty But Dumb As Hell]~Maria]: (clears her throat) So tell me Eddie, how does it feel to finally be apart of the LDW? I mean if I’m not mistaken, Mr.McMahon and Mr.Bischoff had a large variety of superstars and divas to pick from to come into this federation but they only chose a certain amount of people.

[Latino Heat]=Eddie Guerrero]: you know what mami? your right! I’m sure there was well over fifty people who wanted in the LDW but only a little over thirty people were accepted. Now me, I didn’t get in until after they fired some people because I came a week after LDW opened. So since they had me as the first superstar on their “waiting list” I got the phone call from Vince McMahon about a week ago and here I am. (smiles) so I guess you can say that it was a blessing for me because now I can go back to doing what I do best, which is wrestle!

The fans inside the arena roar with cheers as Eddie continues to smile while Chavo is standing behind him with his arms crossed. Maria continues to smile as she begins to ask her next question.

[Pretty But Dumb As Hell]~Maria]: well Eddie, tonight you will have your very first match here in the LDW against the legendary Ric Flair in an Intercontinental tournament. Your thoughts on this match and Ric Flair?

[Latino Heat]=Eddie Guerrero]: (scratching his chin) well what can I say about good ole’ Ric Flair? He was a great wrestler Maria. A sixteen time world heavy weight champion to be exact. All the mamacitas wanted to be with him and all the guys wanted to be like him. Hell I’ll admit, I enjoyed watching him wrestle and putting people into the Figure Four Leg submission. I even looked up to him in some point in time. I believe Ric Flair was officially given the name “Legend” because of all of his accomplishments in the past. But the key word there is past Maria. You see we’re in the present now. And what has Flair done since then huh?

Eddie looks at Chavo who shrugs his shoulders and then back at Maria with a frown on his face.

[Latino Heat]=Eddie Guerrero]: nada mami. Nothing, zip, zilch, cero! You see Ric Flair is just like Hulk Hogan who’s like Bret Hart. Their all washed up! Their past their prime. They don’t have “it” in them anymore. That’s why Hogan and Hart left the wrestling business in the first place. See Bret Hart was smart though, once he was done, he never came back and he said he never will. Now Hogan on the other hand, well he just keeps coming back every once and a while. The problem is he needs to stay away for good. Just like Ric Flair. I mean Flair’s so old, I’d be surprised if he still knew what a clothesline was.

Chavo starts cracking up as Maria looks at him funny and then rolls her eyes before she pays attention to Eddie again.

[Pretty But Dumb As Hell]~Maria]: (raises her eyebrows) you know what Eddie? if I were you, I wouldn’t be making fun of Ric Flair. He is the dirtiest player in the game.

[Latino Heat]=Eddie Guerrero]: well you know what Maria? I could careless! Because Latino Heat can play dirty too mami.

[Chavito Heat]=Chavo Guerrero Jr.]: remember Maria, my uncle Eddie lies…he cheats…and he steals! So Flair ain’t got nothing on him nuh uh!

[Latino Heat]=Eddie Guerrero]: just take it from my nephew. (whispers in her ear) I know he can be a little loco at times, but he actually knows what he’s talking about.

[Chavito Heat]=Chavo Guerrero Jr.]: hey what did he say about me? I know I heard my name.

[Latino Heat]=Eddie Guerrero]: Chavo stop being so paranoid man. Your beginning to remind me of Ric Flair. Because I know he’s probably paranoid about facing me right now and he should be.

The camera then zooms in on Eddie’s face as he starts to look intense.

[Latino Heat]=Eddie Guerrero]: you see you never know exactly where I’m gonna be Flair. Only god knows when I’m gonna be lurking around here. And if I find you, I could leave you in a pool of your own blood holmes. (smiles sadistically) but then again, who am I gonna wrestle tonight if I take you out early? (thinks for a second) So this is what I’m gonna do Ric. I’m gonna wait until our match comes around and I’m gonna beat you uno, dos, tres. And after I’m done with you essa, I’m gonna advance onto the next round. And every week that goes by, I’m gonna be taking a whole lotta people out man. Cause before you even know it holmes, I’m gonna be announced as the first ever LDW Intercontinental champion. But don’t worry Flair, I’ll make sure that I don’t forget about you when I make my winning speech. Because I’m gonna tell everyone how you got burned by Latino Heat which helped me move on in the tournament.

[Chavito Heat]=Chavo Guerrero Jr.]: wooooo! How you like that Flair huh?

Los Guerreros both laugh and then walk away leaving Maria standing there dumbfounded because she didn’t get a chance to finish her interview. She shrugs it off and heads into the building following behind them as the scene slowly fades to black.


|| Got Burned By Latino Heat : ??? ||

|| Handler Information || E-Mail :  || AIM : CrAzeShrtGrl ||