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scene one; autograph session w/candice & test

The scene takes place at an autograph session being held inside of a Super Walmart which will feature WWExperience divas Candice Michelle and Lita and also WWExperience superstar Test. Candice Michelle and Lita are currently being held in the back as they chat with one another and wait for Test to arrive.

|x|Candylicious|x| Candice Michelle: Can you believe Andrew is late? I thought it was usually the girls who are suppose to show up fashionably late not the men. {smirks}

|x|Extreme Diva|x| Lita: Yeah I totally agree Candice. But you know Andrew is kind of a pretty boy so to speak so he’s probably gelling his hair. {grins}

|x|Candylicious|x| Candice Michelle: {shakes her head} Go figure…well while we’re here and waiting for him to show up, I thought now would be a good time to talk about our match on Impact.

|x|Extreme Diva|x| Lita: Ok shoot, what’s on your mind?

|x|Candylicious|x| Candice Michelle: Well the last time we were both in the ring together, we lost to Maryse, Trish and Melina Perez. {rolls her eyes} Now I know it wasn’t your fault or mine, but I just want to make sure that we pull through tonight.

|x|Extreme Diva|x| Lita: {nods} Hey I’m totally there with you on that one. I don’t like losing myself and I feel like if Sharmell would have pulled her weight more then we would have won that night.

|x|Candylicious|x| Candice Michelle: Yeah I think so too. So what do you think about having to face Kelly Kelly again and now Tiffany?

|x|Extreme Diva|x| Lita: {flips her hair over her shoulder} You know what? Kelly Kelly really surprised me with that sneak attack. I had a lot of respect for her until she pulled that stunt.

|x|Candylicious|x| Candice Michelle: Yeah that was quite disappointing to watch. I really liked Kelly Kelly at first, she seemed like a nice girl.

|x|Extreme Diva|x| Lita: Well I guess that goes to show you that you can’t turn your back on a blonde. They're not as dumb as you think.

|x|Candylicious|x| Candice Michelle: {crosses her arms} Well I’m pretty sure she’ll get what’s coming to her tonight. At least you didn’t have a slammy trophy cracked over your head though.

|x|Extreme Diva|x| Lita: {bites her bottom lip} Yeah that was pretty brutal from what I saw. Melina is a malicious bitch I tell ya. You can’t trust her for one minute or be left alone with her without her going psycho. I hope she gets help soon…she really needs it.

|x|Candylicious|x| Candice Michelle: Actually all Melina needs is a reality check. But I’m not worried about her at the moment, my focus is on Tiffany and Kelly Kelly right now.

|x|Extreme Diva|x| Lita: Well now that I think about it Candice, Tiffany and Kelly Kelly are going through their fair share of problems right now. They have an on and off again friendship and not to mention boy drama.

|x|Candylicious|x| Candice Michelle: {lowers her eyebrows} So what are you saying?

|x|Extreme Diva|x| Lita: What I’m saying is I don’t even know if they can function as a tag team tonight. If they haven’t kissed and made up by tonight then there’s no way they can cooperate with each other.

|x|Candylicious|x| Candice Michelle: {smiles} You are so right.

|x|Extreme Diva|x| Lita: I mean it’s not like we need any distractions to win but it would definitely work in our favor if they still aren’t friends.

|x|Candylicious|x| Candice Michelle: Yeah I understand where your going with this. But you did just beat Kelly Kelly on last week’s Impact in a singles match so I’m sure you can take her out again with my help. {laughs}

|x|Extreme Diva|x| Lita: True. But we can’t leave out Tiffany. I heard she’s the feistier one so we might need to watch out for her too.

|x|Candylicious|x| Candice Michelle: yeah Tiffany does seem like a little firecracker waiting to go off but that doesn’t mean she will be someone we can’t handle.

|x|Extreme Diva|x| Lita: Exactly. But I’m not gonna lie, I do what to know why Kelly Kelly did what she did last week. I thought she was cool but I guess I was wrong.

|x|Candylicious|x| Candice Michelle: I don’t know Amy…maybe she’s not here to make any friendships. {shrugs} You can’t trust anyone as far as you can throw them.

|x|Extreme Diva|x| Lita: Yeah I know, it just sucks when your humiliated like that ya know? She made herself look like an ass on television but she made me look like a fool to believe I could trust her.

|x|Candylicious|x| Candice Michelle: Well that’s all on you if you want to approach her about that and talk it out. But I would be careful if I was you.

|x|Extreme Diva|x| Lita: Oh I’ll be careful and I’ll definitely keep a closer eye on her.

Their conversation suddenly gets interrupted as Test walks up behind them placing a hand on each of their shoulders.

|x|Powerhouse|x| Test: Ladies.. {smiles}

|x|Candylicious|x| Candice Michelle: {rolls her eyes} Andrew..

|x|Extreme Diva|x| Lita: It’s about time you showed up Andrew. We’ve been waiting twenty minutes now and I’m sure the fans are getting impatient.

|x|Powerhouse|x| Test: You think I give a rat’s ass about those idiots?! I don’t care if they have to wait. They’re lucky I’m even here doing this for them.

|x|Extreme Diva|x| Lita: Well if you feel that way then maybe you shouldn’t even be here.

|x|Candylicious|x| Candice Michelle: Amy’s right. I mean if it weren’t for the fans then you wouldn’t even be here today. Ya see rather you like it or not, these fans made you!

|x|Powerhouse|x| Test: {laughs} Oh and I guess they sign my paychecks too right?

Candice and Lita both swat Test’s hands off of their shoulders as Lita begins to speak.

|x|Extreme Diva|x| Lita: You know what Andrew? These fans…or according to you these “idiots” are gonna make you eat your words one day. When everyone loses interest in Test and you lose your fan base, no one will care about you anymore.

|x|Candylicious|x| Candice Michelle: And once Vince starts seeing the fans lose interest then he’ll lose interest and release you from your contract. {smirks}

|x|Powerhouse|x| Test: Yeah right! Vince is a smart man and he would be stupid to let someone like myself go. I have the talent, I have the charisma, I have the strength and body…

|x|Extreme Diva|x| Lita: Well you may have all of those qualities but you definitely don’t have the brain.

Candice snickers as Test shoots her a look.

|x|Powerhouse|x| Test: And what the hell are you laughing at?

|x|Candylicious|x| Candice Michelle: Hey don’t get mad at me because Amy stated the facts.

|x|Powerhouse|x| Test: Whatever…we’ll see who’s left laughing after two rookie divas beat you and Lita tonight on Impact.

|x|Extreme Diva|x| Lita: I would like to see them try..

|x|Candylicious|x| Candice Michelle: Yeah same here..

Candice, Test and Lita are suddenly approached by the supervisor who works at the Super Walmart. He tells them everything is set up and ready as he directs them towards the front of the store. The fans scream at the top of their lungs as they flash their cameras and hold up their signs. The two WWE divas and superstar take a seat at the table as they begin to give out autographs and take pictures with their fans. The scene then fades from there.

scene two; time for some more ink

A buzzing sound can be heard before we even get a chance to see what is causing it or where it is coming from. Faint chatter can also be heard in the background before we finally get a visual. The Extreme Diva herself Lita, is currently sitting on a black leather chair in a small room getting tattooed on her left arm. Her tattoo artist Dave at Hurts So Good Tattoo Inc. is doing an outline of several Mexican skulls that will be colored in later on. They continue to carry on with their conversation as if the cameras aren’t even there.

|x|Tattoo Artist|x| Dave: So Amy how the fuck are ya? I haven’t seen you in a while.

|x|Extreme Diva|x| Lita: Oh I’m doing well actually. I just got back into wrestling not too long ago.

|x|Tattoo Artist|x| Dave: {raises his eyebrows} Oh really? I thought you were doing the whole band thing.

|x|Extreme Diva|x| Lita: {sighs lightly} Yeah, I decided to take a break from The Luchagors and go back to my first love.

|x|Tattoo Artist|x| Dave: So how did the guys feel about it? Were they bummed?…Were they pissed?

|x|Extreme Diva|x| Lita: Actually, they took my leave of absence very well. They’re still writing songs and making beats though. But the good thing about this is now they have more time to spend with their families and friends and they can do whatever the hell they’ve been wanting to do.

|x|Tattoo Artist|x| Dave: Sounds good to me. So how are things going in the wrestling business?

|x|Extreme Diva|x| Lita: Ya know things aren’t quite what they used to be compared to four years ago. There are a lot more people wanting to wrestle now…even the backstage interviewers.

|x|Tattoo Artist|x| Dave: You mean the chicks?

|x|Extreme Diva|x| Lita: {nods} Mmm hmm. It’s great, it really is to see all these women and younger guys coming into the business. That just goes to show Vince that wrestling has a big influence on everyone!

|x|Tattoo Artist|x| Dave: That maybe true, but you won’t ever catch my white ass in a wrestling ring let alone tights for that matter.

Amy and Dave both share a laugh as he puts in more black ink into his tattoo gun. He then goes back to work on the outline as Amy sits there and takes it like a pro.

|x|Extreme Diva|x| Lita: But what about you? How are things going with your shop?

|x|Tattoo Artist|x| Dave: Business has been good I can’t complain there. I’ve been seeing a lot of new faces but I still get my regulars who come in every month.

|x|Extreme Diva|x| Lita: {smirks} That kinda sounds like what I’ve been dealing with right now in the WWExperience. It was just last week that I faced a new chick who goes by the name of Kelly Kelly. But I still get to compete in the ring with the veterans like Trish Stratus and Candice Michelle.

|x|Tattoo Artist|x| Dave: That’s interesting…So do you have any matches this week? You know I can’t keep up. {grins}

|x|Extreme Diva|x| Lita: Actually I do Dave. Tonight on Impact I will be in a tag team match with Candice Michelle and we will be facing Tiffany and Kelly Kelly who I beat last week.

|x|Tattoo Artist|x| Dave: {frowns} Tiffany? Who the fuck is that?

|x|Extreme Diva|x| Lita: She’s another new girl. {grins} She was probably still in high school when you first started watching wrestling.

|x|Tattoo Artist|x| Dave: Oh I see. Well is she hot?

|x|Extreme Diva|x| Lita: If you like platinum blondes with big boobs and blue eyes then I guess so. {laughs} But all of the WWExperience divas are pretty. You think Vince will hire just any woman without giving them a full evaluation? Don’t think so. {smirks}

|x|Tattoo Artist|x| Dave: So exactly how hard was it for you when you first tried breaking into the business?

|x|Extreme Diva|x| Lita: Oh it was tough. I’ve been turned down so many times and even thought about completely giving up. I’ve had my ass handed to me on numerous occasions when I first started off…I was constantly jobbing to the other women and even some men which was not a fun experience at all. I’ve taken so many bumps and would come home almost every night with another bruise on my body or another cut. It was crazy..

|x|Tattoo Artist|x| Dave: That does sound pretty insane. I don’t know how you did it.

|x|Extreme Diva|x| Lita: Yeah, sometimes I wonder that myself. But I did it, I’ve made it and that’s all that counts. {smiles}

|x|Tattoo Artist|x| Dave: {stops tattooing} Shit.

|x|Extreme Diva|x| Lita: {looks confused} What?

|x|Tattoo Artist|x| Dave: I screwed up on the outline!

|x|Extreme Diva|x| Lita: Are you fucking kidding me?!

Amy quickly got up from the chair and checked out her arm in the mirror while Dave tried to hold back his laughter.

|x|Extreme Diva|x| Lita: Where did you mess up at? I don’t see anything wrong..

|x|Tattoo Artist|x| Dave: Amy I’m just fuckin’ with you!! Sit your little ass down. {laughs}

Lita grins and shoots him a “don’t fuck with me” look as she walks back over to the chair and sits down. She punches him in the shoulder as he continues to laugh before going back to work on the outline.

|x|Extreme Diva|x| Lita: Your sucha dick Dave…don’t you ever scare me like that again. {rakes her hair}

|x|Tattoo Artist|x| Dave: Were you really that afraid? Am I hearing this right?

|x|Extreme Diva|x| Lita: No I wasn’t afraid, I just don’t want you screwing this up.

|x|Tattoo Artist|x| Dave: Yeah you were afraid…I can’t believe this is coming from a chick who does high flying shit on a daily basis and even used to wrestle men.

|x|Extreme Diva|x| Lita: {rolls her eyes} Shut up Dave…

|x|Tattoo Artist|x| Dave: Speaking of men, are you still dating that guy from your band?

|x|Extreme Diva|x| Lita: {shakes her head} No I broke it off with him about nine months ago. Things just weren’t working out and he had too many groupies.

|x|Tattoo Artist|x| Dave: {laughs} Oh so you’re a jealous chick.

|x|Extreme Diva|x| Lita: No I wasn’t jealous. We just weren’t on the same page anymore..

|x|Tattoo Artist|x| Dave: Surrre likely story. So are you seeing anyone now? {raises an eyebrow}

|x|Extreme Diva|x| Lita: {smiles} I am actually…his name is Cm Punk.

|x|Tattoo Artist|x| Dave: Oh I remember that guy. I watched him back in OVW and ROH. Dude’s pretty sick and has some nice fuckin’ ink.

|x|Extreme Diva|x| Lita: Yeah, that’s Punk for you.

|x|Tattoo Artist|x| Dave: Hey well if he’s lookin’ to get some more ink anytime soon then you should give him my card.

|x|Extreme Diva|x| Lita: I’ll think about it {smirks}

|x|Tattoo Artist|x| Dave: Well I’m done with the outline now if you wanna go check it out in the mirror. Do you wanna get the color today or reschedule for another day?

|x|Extreme Diva|x| Lita: I wanna go ahead and get this thing finished today if that’s possible.

|x|Tattoo Artist|x| Dave: Yeah I can get it done today. I’m just gonna take like a twenty minute break before I continue.

|x|Extreme Diva|x| Lita: Ok sounds good. I need to make a phone call anyway.

Dave nods and takes off his gloves as Lita gets up from the chair and stretches her arms out. She then takes a look at the outline in the mirror before going to the front of the shop and taking out her cell phone. She dials a number and puts the phone up to her ear as she begins to pace back and fourth.

|x|Straight-Edge|x| Cm Punk: What’s up Amy?

|x|Extreme Diva|x| Lita: Nothing much, I’m at the tattoo shop getting my Mexican skull sleeve.

|x|Straight-Edge|x| Cm Punk: Sounds pretty sweet. How is it lookin’ so far?

|x|Extreme Diva|x| Lita: It looks kick ass.

|x|Straight-Edge|x| Cm Punk: That’s good. Well are you still coming to the hotel?

|x|Extreme Diva|x| Lita: Of course I am! I’m gonna meet you there and then we can grab some food and then meet up with Colt to do some training later on.

|x|Straight-Edge|x| Cm Punk: Alright, sounds like a plan.

|x|Extreme Diva|x| Lita: Well I’ll see you soon babe I gotta go.

|x|Straight-Edge|x| Cm Punk: Ok take care babe.

|x|Extreme Diva|x| Lita: Later

Lita hangs up the phone and sticks her cell back in her pocket before taking a seat on the couch. Her tattoo artist eats his Subway meal on the counter as the scene fades to black.


Name; Lita
Height; 5'7"
Weight; 135 lbs.
Hometown; Ft. Lauderdale, Florida
Role; Neutral
Theme Song; "lovefurypassionenergy" by Boy Hits Car
Finisher; Litasault, Lita DDT
Misc. Moves; Hurricanrana, Twist of Fate , Suicide Dive,
Marital Status; Dating Cm Punk
Allies; Cm Punk
Enemies; Any one who doesn't like me
Notable Feuds;
Roleplay Number; 004
WWE Record; won 03. loss 01. draw 00


Torrie Wilson
Mickie James
Michelle McCool
Maria Kanellis
Milena Roucka
Shawn Spears
Kelly Kelly


Diva of the week
Ranked #5
Ranked #7


Next Match; vs. Kelly Kelly & Tiffany
Stipulation; Tag Team Match
Show; Thursday Night Impact


Layout was made by Nisha, and the roleplay was done by Neci.