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Deliciously Dark Fiction and Other Essential Oddities

Aiden: Part1
Aiden: Part2
My Favorite Friends
The Last Red Tear
Rain Goddess
Pictures of me with my Pet, Buddy
Fragile Lives By Thomas Walsh
Aiden: Part3
Aiden: Part4

Right now this site only features work by me but I hope to attract other young authors seeking to be discovered. I am looking for essays, reviews, original art, original photos, short stories, poetry, and whatever you think should be seen by the public. I will post anything so long as it is interesting and clearly expressed. Violent and sexual themes are premitted, however they should be important to the story line, in other words, no senseless gore or rape. Most important, MAKE A STATEMENT with what you write. I am going to try and up date at least every three months. If anyone would like to submit work please send me a sample of your writing/art to my e-mail.All work should be copy- righted and typed (double space). I will get in touch with you about your work's standing, provided you give me an e-mail address. I cannot offer any finanical reimbursment, simply exposure to potential readers and publishers. Should anyone want to buy rights to any of the featured works they may also send me an e-mail.

Lots of Love

"Wicked Red"
