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Welcome to Horrible Hall, originally built as a stylish summer retreat in 1873 by Vladimir and Vanessa Horrible, who had the bad taste to name their beautiful new vacation home after themselves. The lake home's name seems to have had an unfortunate affect on all of its subsequent occupants, nearly all of whom have met with an untimely demise.

Nine years ago, Megadeath, Inc. purchased Horrible Hall with the intention of turning the property into one of their high-end funeral homes, complete with an on-site crematorium and cemetary. The operation was to be run by a live-in undertaker and his family. It seems that someone at Megadeath noticed the high mortality rate in the area and decided that the location was ideal for their special brand of morbid mass merchandising. The company, however, was unaware of the actual role that their new corporate crown jewel has played in producing that high mortality rate.

Presently, nine years later, a corporate crew is still on site at Horrible Hall working on converting the stately lake home into a suitable facility for their grim business plan. Again today, however, the home is deserted, as the workers are off attending the funeral of another of their coworkers who met his doom in yet another deadly accident at the construction site. These accidents have plagued the project since its beginning. Later today, the latest victim will have the honor of being the next occupant of the spacious new cemetary. The company can only watch in dismay, wondering if there will be any space left when the contruction has finally been completed.

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