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   This is Meeh.. Lyk it 0r n0t!! ...

*Naiim*- Ashley
*Lok*-Miami Florida
*Sex*- Female. a.k.a HoneyB
*Statz*- Single & Looking
*Age*- 4-teen
*Skool*- Pace High
*Fav Rapperz*- 50 Cent, Eminem..& Many More
*Sonq* In The Club, Sing For The Moment, laundrymat,Bring me to Life

1.    What time is it?: 5:53
2.    Name as it appears on your birth certificate:
3.    Nicknames:
Big Red, Red, Loudmouth, Panchita, Babez, Tata, Boo, Mama, Bicho
4.    Age:
5.    Birthday:
September 16
6.    What is your zodiac sign:
7.    Pets:
8.    Height:
9.  Eye color:
Light Brown
10.  Hair color:
11.  Piercing:
6.. 3 on each ear
12.  Tattoos:
none.. YET
13.  Favorite color: 
Purple, Red, Black
14.  Birthplace:
15.  Current residence:
16.  Been in love:
17.  Been to Europe:
Not Yet
18.  Been toilet papering:
Nope.. Not Yet
19.  Been toilet papered:
20.  Loved somebody so much it made you cry:
21.  Been in a car crash: Yea..
Who hasnt
22.  Coffee or ice cream:
Ice Cream
23.  Blanket or stuffed animal:
24.  Dumper or dumpee:
Both.. but mostly Dumpee
25.  Salad dressing: 
Thousand Island
26.  Color of socks:
White.. or Multicolored.. like powerpuff girls, spongebob
27.  Favorite No.:
28.  Last vacation :
Disney World
29.  Movie:
Bring It On, Center Stage, The Little Mermaid
30.  Food:
Chicken Tenders
31.  Day of the week:
32.  TV Shows:
Boy Meets World, Sorority Life, Fraternity Life, Punk'd
33.  Toothpaste:
Close Up, Colgate
34.  Restaurant:
Any place that has Chicken Stripes or Pizza
35.  Favorite flower:
36.  Least favorite:
i dont know
37.  Sport to watch:
Football & VolleyBall
38.  Fast Food Restaurant:
Burger King, Taco & Checkers
39.  Favorite movies: 
Bring It On, Center Stage, The Little Mermaid & many more
40.  Favorite foods:
um.. too many
41.  Favorite drink: 
Dr. Pepper & Strawberry Daquari
42.  What color is your bedroom flo0r:
its dark pink rug
43.  Where do you see yourself in ten years:
Graduated From High Skool, Married, Having a English Major & Studying To be A  Lawyer
44.  Who is the last person you got e-mail from :
Danny Gomez
45.  Which store would you choose to max your credit on:
Burdines or Victorias Secret
46.  What do you do when you're bored:
Get online, talk on the fone, watch t.v. sleep
47.  What words or phrases do you overuse:
48.  Friend who lives farthest away:
49.  Most annoying thing?
Not Having Fun
50. Best thing: 
Having FUn
51.  Bed time:
Whenever I Want
52. What book are you reading now:
Princess Diaries: Princess in Waiting ( book 4 )
53. What's your fav book:
Princess Diaries 1,2,3,& 4
54. Favorite Board Game:
55. Favorite Magazine:
Ym, CosmoGirl, Seventeen
56. Favorite smells:
Vanilla, boyfriends cologne
57. Least favorite smells:
farts, bad perfume
58. Favorite sounds:
Rain, Music
59. Worst feeling in the world:
Not Feeling Loved
60. What is the first thing you think of when you wake up in the morning:
Turn Down The Volume To The Radio
61. How many rings before you answer the phone:
3 or until the machine answers
62. Future child's name:
Girls- Aaliyah, Cheyenne, Amber ;  Boys- Derrick, Nathan,Cheyenne, Sean
63. What is most important in life:
God, Me & My Friends & Family
64. Chocolate or Vanilla:
65. Do you sleep with a stuffed animal:
Yes.. a Big Spongebob
66. Storms, scary or cool:
Depends if im by myself.. scary.. with a guy.. cool
67. If you could have any job you wanted what would it be?
The Most Sucessful Lawyer In The World
68. If you could dye your hair any color, what would it be?
Real Red with Light Orange & Black Streaks
69. Ever been in love?
70. Is the glass half empty or half full?
Depends on my Day
71. What's under your bed?
Nothing.. nothing fits... lol.. damn it !
72. Favorite sport to watch?
FOOTBALL...... The Best & Volleyball
73. If you could meet one person in the world, who would it be?
The President
74.  What time is it now:

these are some bad habbits...
saying bad words... & burping..... and saying all the words to the movies i know.. not doing my homewerk... not studying... being online all day so that my eyes pop out at the end... sleeping too much!

I'm scared of...
losing my parents, brother, family & friends, not graduating from high skool... not goin to harvard university... not becoming a lawyer

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