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This was a site originally just to be a joke between Jesse Gill and I but its become more personal...we got in touch with jesus and moses through it brings a tear to my eye...Sign the tag board damn u! DO IT FOR JESUS. -Amy (Babyhands101388)

I got really high once and thought i was a cactus. this is what it looked like

This is an embarassing picture
of jesus...he is going to kill me for this!

Who knew my good friend jesus had a body

And now heres some of Me (Moses) Vacation Pictures.

This is my good old pal Cher and I.Also, Heres me and Osama back in high school

Heres me and the Verison guy.. We wore the same pants and shoes that day!

This is Jesus and I back in high school. We were on the wrestling team and I had a mad tan. Look how big my package is.

This is me with Billy Blanks from Tae Bo

This is my most proud moment. Me and the Coors light twins.

This is me and my pal from ERMS, Stephan Tucker LMAO.

This is me and my lover Jeff Henry.

This is my buddy Nick Nelson and Look at kyle, hes recieving flowers how cute. Nick and I are sharing matching suckers.

This is me disguised as a clown so i got get a picture with john denver. I hope he didnt reconize me.