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- Next WWE Match -

-Singles Match: Sting vs Kurt Angle -

- Current WWE Record -

- 000 - 000 - 000 -

- Roleplay Number -

- 1 -

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- None -

- The Stinger Is BACK!!! -

- WWE Wrestling Achievements - None Yet

::: WWE cuts back from a commercial break and the fans are in there seats and are ready to see who else will show up to the arena since they have already seen one of the greats in the business Shawn Micheals come here tonight. Then as the cameras show the crowd holding up signs and stuf the cameras fade over to Jim Ross and Jerry Lawler are doing commentary for the fans. :::

~{ Jim Ross }~ Welcome to the all new WWE where me along with Jerry Lawler will bring you all the best wrestling the world has to offer to us. Now King as we saw just minutes ago Shawn Micheals announced that he was coming out of retirement and getting back in the ring one more time so that he could try and become World Champion once again.

~{ Jerry Lawler }~ Now that was sure a shocker i mean i never thought that HBK would go for another title run in his carrer but hey i guess i thought wrong. But also Monday Raw will be a great show where they are many great matches et.

~{ Jim Ross }~ Yes there is and i cannot wait to see some of the wrestlers that signed here step into the ring once again cause we have signed alot of great talent...

::: Then Jim Ross is cut off by the music called "Man Named Sting" And the fans go wild as they look up the ramp and to the entrance where out from the backstage area walks none other then Sting wearing his old attire from the early ninetys and he gets huge pop from the crowd. Then Sting walks down the ramp and slaps hands with some of the fans and he then gets into the ring where he poses on the turnbuckle and gets alot more cheers from the crowd, then Sting yells for a microphone where he is handed one then waits for the crowd to calm down before he starts to speak. :::

~{ Sting }~ WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO It is great to be back.!!!**crowd cheers** Now i mean i know alot of you thought that the Stinger was never going to come back into the wrestling scene but you see i knew that alot of you needed to see none other then one of the best wrestlers ever in the buisness and me being that man. But you see alot of people know how i feel about the WWE product and the way that it is runned and it was one of the reasons you all didnt see me come to the WWE after they bought the WCW because i had a feeling that they would have not pusehed me the right way and may have costed me my carrer so i held out and decied that i would retirer. But hey that does not matter now because Sting is back in the ring and i am in great shape and im ready for some wrestling.**crowd cheers** And i will be stepping back in the ring for the first time in a awhile and it will be the first ever event for the WWE Monday Night Raw and i have been put into a World Title Tournament where i was told it was going to be my time to once again to shine and show everyone that i may once again hold the World Title around my waste once again. But you see the one thing that is going to be a little hard about this match is that i am stepping into the ring with a man that i have not ever faught in a ring before and he goes by the name of Kurt Angle.**crowd boos** But me being a man who is not scared of getting in the ring with anyone i will be ready for that match on Raw and i will be ready to take on that Olampyic punk Kurt Angle in the middle and ring and when it is all said and done there will be one man tapping out and it will not be me tapping to the Angle Lock it will be none other then Kurt Angle tapping to one of the most carrer ending moves ever the Scorpion Death Lock. So Kurt Angle i know you are problay thinking that i have no chance on beating you because of how ol di may be but you see i am probaly in the best shape of my carrer and you better be on top of your game cause if you are not it will more than liley end up causeing you your match and i will advance in the World Title Tournament. Now the last thing i have to say before are go and it is...ITS SHOWTIME FOLKS.!!!

::: Sting's music plays and he throws down the mic and poses to the crowd where he gets alot of cheers and then Sting makes his way up the ramp and into the backstage area where the cameras cut out to a commercial break. :::

- Scorpion Deathlocked -