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Members of Hentai Gaki and their levels!!!


Master Francin
Assistant Master Iaika

Here are the members of Hentai Gaki and their ranks:

Jenny aka Francin oda-kyuu: Master-Yaoi Ai Gaki, 5th degree

Iaika Ryokucha Seyhatomaru Sotoma the Third aka A-Master Iaika: Assistant Master-Yaoi Ai Gaki, 4th degree

McKenna aka Mai:Yaoi Ai Gaki, 1st degree

Roy aka Ham Ham: Lackey to the Master-Shinpo

Chase: Lackey to the Assistant Master-Shinpo

Travis: Shinpo

Matt: Aprentice to Travis-Shoshinsha

Frederica: Normal Member-Baka

Derek: Normal Member-Shoshinsha

Kyle: Normal Member-Shoshinsha

Andrew: Normal Member-Shoshinsha

Those are our members. If you wish to apply for a membership in our clan, please contact the Assistant Master at (The Master's email is confidential so please do not ask for it as the Master likes her privacy)