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happy circle sunshine muffins and happiness pie and the randomness in between (ha ha ha success, that there is kd lang ha ha ha ha (evil laugh))

little survey for those of you who dont read my website so i can see how much people really dont want to talk to me

well this is my webpage, and this is where i want to die-> hmm... so this is going to turn into information site and not a journal because its more fun this way and itll give me something elst ot do then ramble on live journal " The Beauty of The Rain - Feb 2003 (Razor & Tie) On her latest album, The Beauty of The Rain, Dar takes another step forward, showcasing a new, fuller sound, as well as her mastery at mapping out the emotional terrain of people whose lives are in transition. features guest appearances by a remarkable array of talent: Alison Krauss on vocals, Bela Fleck on banjo, John Popper manning the harmonica and backup vocals, Stefan Lessard (of Dave Matthews Band) on bass, John Medeski on keyboards, Chris Botti on trumpet, Cliff Eberhardt on vocals and Michael Kang (String Cheese Incident) on fiddle. The idea to bring in so many illustrious guests came from Dar, who decided to make her song arrangements richer and denser this time around. "The songs here are rooted in a migration I made to New York from Massachusetts," says Dar, who lived in Cambridge, Northampton and upstate New York before moving to New York City. The interplay that springs from mixing and matching these accomplished musicians lends The Beauty of the Rain a surprising, festive undercurrent that flows like electricity throughout the record. Much of the inspiration for The Beauty of the Rain came from Dar's own experiences, as she made the transition to a different life in New York City, and worked to make sense of her new surroundings. The Beauty of the Rain takes on a wide variety of subjects -- technology, identity struggles, dreams, impressionism and the tug of war between independence and intimacy; and its songs transcend the formulaic constraints of today's pop music, allowing it to resonate harmoniously with the times."( i personally think this album is goint to be amazing and i cant wait to hear it dar williams never dissapoints me and i can always put on her cd with on and listen to the whole thing and get new meanings from her songs each time, in my opinion she is one of the most amazing female folk artists of all time, with amazing writing talent a killer voice and mastery of the guitare she rivals with susan werner for my idol and hero, though susan werner will always be in the top three

my coolness friends and loves and such

falcon ridge folk festival, the bomb go and revel in folk happiness
the best hottest punk band in the world im in love with them i want to marry them and the drummer has an english flag on his ass (at least at the last concert) makes me laugh
those of you who are lgbt, the bomb for profiles mine is silverravenfox happiness pie love me love me (please... jk lol)
