~ After helping Torrie Wilson learn whatever the hell freak dancing is, Tank is shown walking along the north shore of German. Tank is wearing a pair of blue jeans, a black t-shirt, a black leather jacket, and his hair tied back in a ponytail. Tank stops after fifteen minute of walking through the sand and getting his bare feet a bit wet from the water. Tank then turns and look at the stars and the moon glistening down in the night sky. Tank then takes a seat down on the sand and grabs a handful in his left hand and lets it fall between his fingers as he then begins to talk to himself, burying his hands in the sand, along with his feet.

”I wish Torrie was here wit’ me to enjoy this night wit’ me. She’d love it out here, jus’ the two of us staring up at the stars. I know I do and the two of us seem to have a lot in common. There’s not many girls like Torrie, I cherish the time I spend wit’ her more than I ever have wit’ any other woman I’ve met and taken out. Then again what’s a guy like me compared to Hunter Hearst Helmsley? What the hell am I thinking trying to compete for her affection when her heart is captivated by that man? I shouldn’t fill myself wit’ false fantasies of being wit’ her one day, she’s too perfect for words to describe. Torrie Wilson, the most perfect woman, and all I’ll ever be to her is a mealy friend who she spends time wit’ and treats like a friend. She probably didn’t even feel all of what I felt when we kissed. Every time we shared a moment where our lips met it was when the moment was perfect, the mood was right. I felt my place in the Earth was wit’ her, but I can’t expect for Torrie Wilson to feel the same way about me, I mean I’m jus’ a friend to her. She wouldn’t even give me a second look. I feel myself falling for her day-by-day, night-by-night. I could see myself spending the rest of my life wit’ that girl. I could the two of us being the best this industry has to offer, the ‘golden couple’ so to speak, but then again that would all depend on if the miracle, my current dream came true. I know the two of us aren’t meant to be anything more than jus’ good friends and I’ve accepted it, but that doesn’t mean it doesn’t kill me inside. I look at her and I feel all these emotions that stab me repeatedly. I’ve never felt this way about a woman before, Torrie is my ideal, perfect mate. It’s a pity that I’m not her perfect mate. I guess that’s so ironic about perfect mates. You think you’ve found your perfect mate, but to them you’re nothing more than jus’ a good friend.” (Laughs subtly) “Story of my life, being the man who’s only a ‘good friend’, the nice and sweet guy to talk to when you’re feeling down. I always brighten somebody’s mood. The girl of my dreams is down and I make her feel better. I’m never looked at, at being anything more than a friend. It kills me inside to realize that that’s my role in life. I will never be anything better than the ‘friend’. Especially to a woman as perfect as Torrie Wilson, I should face facts that she’s too perfect for me and I should give up hope of being anything more to her than jus’ her good friend. Even if I buy her everything she desires to show how I feel. She’ll never look at me as anything more than jus’ her good friend.” (sighs)

~ Tank stands up and wipes the sand from his hands. Tank continues to walk along the beach as the scene shifts to Torrie Wilson standing by a treat with her arms crossed as though she could hear every word Tank had said about how he felt about her. Tank walks back and stares up at the stars.

”I wish that I could tell Torrie how I felt, how much I love her, how much I care for her. There’s no way I could face her face-to-face and tell her that she’s the woman I’ve dreamt about being wit’. That she’s my ideal woman to be wit’. There’s no way I could do that, only because I know she’d laugh at me and call me a fool for feeling such things for knowing her not very long at all. It’s hard for me to share my feelings wit’ somebody I care about like Torrie. There’s no way she’d understand where I’m coming from. She’d never understand how I feel because I know she wouldn’t feel the same way about me. She looks at me as only the ‘good friend’. She doesn’t look at me as a potential boyfriend material. I know I’m not her type. It’s a pity because I feel that she was made for me. Then again maybe that’s what we were destined to be, jus’ good friends.” (sighs) “However I must not let my feelings for Torrie interfere wit’ my match tomorrow night at Backlash. I have to team with Angle and Austin to takeout Flair, Orton, and this mystery partner that’s too cowardice to show his face for fear I’ll laugh at it and call him for the stupid bastard he truly is. So I might as well forget about Torrie for the time being and do what I’m here to do and that is wrestle and enjoy doing so!” (sighs, then laughs0 “Yeah it’s a damn cloak of lies, but still it’ll allow me to be the best in the ring. Hiding what I truly feel and who I truly am helps to fuel the wrestler I am. Even if it does make me suffer for the rest of eternity.” (sighs) “No matter though, it doesn’t matter at all how I feel, it never did, and it never will.”

~ Tank walks off as Torrie walks off a bit more emotional, feeling sorrow for Tank then she ever would have imagined feeling. The scene cuts off to black.

OOC: “Yeah Tank and I are a lot alike, but shhh, you never heard that from me, lol. Oh and Nikki, remember that Tank didn’t know you were there, hehe. I dunno I felt like this would be a good storyline builder, get their relationship moving somewhere, let me know what you thought via ooc before you next rp, thanks.