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Random Pictures

This is a site where I am going to show off just random pictures of things. Lol some of it you might be freaked out by, and if so I am very sorry...but other words I do believe that you will at least somewhat amused. Please take your time to enjoy this part.

Guessing Time

Okay I decided to amuse you a bit right here. Every week I will put up a random picture that I have distorted. I will give you a few days to guess what that picture is and I will put up hints as a count down until the day I post the answer Lol I hope you enjoy this part. Whoever gets the answer correct first will have their name posted on my site and a picture of them so get going! Email your answers to email is on the first and last page! Oh btw when you email me, be sure to put something that helps me to know it isn't just some junk mail or something.

Hot Dude

This is just some very hot dude, who although he is a preppy, still have some good looks to him. I told you this was my random page, and well I am going to stick with my randomness. Lol btw his name is Todd, I hope you guys enjoy lol.

My Church

This is a bad picture of my beautiful church I attend, Ingalls Church of God. We have an AWESOME pastor named Jack Stout and an AWESOME youth minister named Matthew (Bubba) Shelton. The services are awesome and Youth just as awesome. Our Youth group is called WildFire Youth Ministries called that because "We want to spread the Gospel like a WildFire" Sunday services run from 10am(Sunday School)11am(Morning Service)6pm(Night Service) and Youth Group and Adult Service at 7pm on Wednesday nights. If you live around here, I hope you decide to come join us because you will have a fantastic time! And as Pastor Jack always says "First time you attend you are a visitor, but every time after that you are counted as part of the family."