Universal Shop

Earth Shop
Namek Shop
Vegeta Shop
Freeza Shop

Training Items

Weighted Clothing: $400 Adds 50 PL, 50 Stam, 5 to Ki, CCS and Speed. (max 5)(cant Build)

Super Weighted Clothing: $600 Adds 100 PL, 100 Stam, 10 to Ki, CCS and Speed. (max 3)(cant Build)

Battle Items

Universal Armour: $500 Takes 1% of damage off. Takes 60% of speed(3 days)

Universal Sword: $300 Adds 1% to damage in close combat attacks (cant Build)

Healing Items

Senzu Bean: $100 heal 50% of your total Stamina(can only hold 2 without bag) (cant Build)

Senzu Bean Bag: $200 Comes with 2 beans(Holds 5 beans)(cant Build)

Regeneration Machine: $1,000 Heals a worrior in 1 day (per limb = 1 extra day(8 days)


Scouter: $300 Helps you agenst suprise attacks and finding Dragon balls(4 days)

Dragon Ball Radar: $400helps alot in finding Dragon balls(5 days)

Boost: $300 Speeds up ship by 1 day (cant Build)