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note : all the images in this text are made in a fast way so no high quality stuff. if you can find bigger(dimensions) images of a flag and the dogs, the quality will go up. all these images are resized, so the quality is not good, as you can see..

- Ok, first step is to create a new file. I have chosen the dimensions 800x351.
- Open up the image of the flag With the flagimage focused, press ctrl-a to select the whole image, next press ctrl-c to copy the image. now switch image so the newly created image (still white). Press ctrl-v to paste the flag into this image, a new layer will be automaticly created.
- Use the move tool and make sure you have "bounding box" checked (img)
- Move the image of the flag to the bottom left corner. it should look like this :

- click the top right box (bounding box) hold shift and drag it to the size that you want it. for this image it is all the way, so that no white is visible.
it should look like this :

Now you have a image of a flag, now we are moving on to the dog. File->open the image of the dog, Use lasso tool or magic wand to select the background, when you are satisfied go Layer->Inverse. This will mark the dog as selected, now press ctrl-c to copy the image of the dog. switch over to the image of the flag that you have created, press ctrl-v. Use the move tool to change location and size of the dog, bounding box is usefull hold shift while resizing and it will keep the proportion of the image) .
should look something like this :

Now we want to get rid of the white border that is left from the copying of the image. Here you will have to use the lasso tool, zoom in and start shaving off the white dots. When you are satisfied, zoom out and see if you can see any left over white part that you have missed, be sure to have it all fixed before you go into the next step.
- Use the magic wand tool, do the same thing that you did with the dog image, click the surroundings of the dog, so that you have everything else selected except the dog. When have done that, go Select->modify->expand.. choose one pixel.
Now go into Filter->blur->blur.. deselect the selected area and see if it looks good, if not go back in history one step ( only the deselect ) then blur again, repeate this untill you are satisified.
Now you should have a flag, and a dog, with no sharp or white edges.

What you can do from here is up to you, i've chosen to add a shadow to the dog layer. You do this by going into "layer style" right click the layer in the layer box, and choose blending options / layer style. Tweaked the lights with Filter->Render->Lightning effects(play around with this untill you are satisfied). I duplicated the dog layer, and did a layer style -> color overlay (black) on the lowest dog layer, then i added a gaussian blur, to give the area around the dog a litle darker background..

So far we go this image