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My Information

  • reese fry
  • super guitar player
  • clearfork
  • 44814
  • The best movie series of all time= friday the 13th,nightmare on elm street, halloween.
  • MY best friends=phillip even though hes my cousin,tony,chris,randy,justin gower, ashley fry,and jordan,and joey thats it because everyone else is to mean,and preps!
  • The girls i think that are hot are, jordan layfeild,AMANDA MITCHEL, and amber faulk.
  • my favroite superhero is the hulk.
  • the best band in the hole world is METALLICA! i dont care what anyone thinks about them there music is the best. and if anyone thinks diff they can im me or send me mail at! my favroite songs by them are fade in black,enter sandman, nothing els matters, fuel,one,hero of the day, and the memories remain.
  • iv been playing the guitar for about 7 years even though no body probably cares i just told you that but i just made every one who reads that live a longer and happier life! lol.
  • butthole.
  • who ever reads this site please send it to other pep and tell them to come to this site,i want it to try to go to metallica some how so they can read it and send me a email. that will be cool!
  • the things i like to do is watch the friday the 13th episodes because i think there the best,i love listing to metallica as you already know of.and i like to ride my bike.
  • my cousin phillip who is the coolest kid in the world made most of this site for me and helpd me learn how to make it!!

    please tell your friends to come and vote on my webpage!!!

    get this gear!