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yes the rumours are true!

no... not the lesbian ones... (sorry guys) i've actually updated my site... once again not that i have improved it in anyway whatsoever...

ha ha as if... it will still continue being boring and a place where i can be random which seems to amuse alot of people, the type of people who have no lives other than to find weird things to put on my website...

new things are coming... i swear they will once i have time lol my old site is better than this one haha i should just have links to the old one :P

if you have any ideas/suggestions don't hesitate to email them off to me... or not... you can keep them to yourself and plot against me to make a better website... which would be a possibility as mine is just uh... well kinda weird...?

also to just make it clear... i'd be willing to sleep my way to the top just to make my website popular... eewwww unless that meant like sleeping with some old man groseness!!! okay so i'd be willing to sleep my way to the top providing they're all good looking and not like old... *shudders at thought of having to sleep with old men*


keep smiling :)

luv franny

VOTE... for random pic of the week!!!

Random Recipe!!!

page dedicated to my favourite cartoon

joke of the week!!! hehehe

colouring page!!!

words of wisdom... or fav quotes...

my recommendation...


random song!

preview of hot guys page - still being developed :P

life stories - written by michelle and frances

what not to wear this halloween...

random art of the week!

random story!

vote for you fav summer essential!

links to other pages will end up here...

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