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My Quiet Place

Hey! Welcome to my quiet place! I'm not sure what I'm going to put in here, but I'm positive that it will be most entertianing. So look around if you have any thoughts or advice for me please email me at Or IM me on AIM, I'm suckaturkey. So sign my guestbook, IM or email me, I really don't care. TOODLES! A Little About Myself I'm Kathryn! I'm a dirty blonde with brown eyes. I like to socialize.I'm a middle school wrestling cheerleader. I wanna join gymnastics and try yoga. My favorite food is peanut butter. My best friends are Maggie and Kristen. And thats all you need to know.

My Best Friend

Places I go when I'm bored

1000s of links
Bitching cartoonies
Fun Pictures
