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Fit ain't Dumb - or is it?



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Me Tarzan, You Jane, Wanna bum bum?

I wanna have a great booty, regardless of the cost!

Back in the good old days everything was soooo easy. You went out, had a drink with your mates, checked out the birds in the place and if you were reasonably good looking you had a fair chance for a good shag that night. Not anymore you don't.

Before fitness clubs were reserved for big dumb blokes who didn't have anything else to do but to spend an entire day workin out, incresing theire body mass and egoes. To be honest, they were incapable of doing anything else anywhays. Hence everyone going to a fitness club was soon identified as a big baboon, owing to their phisical and mental abilities.

Boy did it all change. Nowadays being fit has become sooo popular, starting with the raise of phisicaly fit pop icons and movie stars who instantly became idols to the MTV generation. Now everione that wants to be in has to be fit, fore fit is in.

Unfortunately, exaguration is alo in nowadays, and folks in fitness slubs are no different. It is human nature to compete with other individuals to become the best in whatever they are involved, which is normally a good thing. However, when it comes to one's health the situation changes somewhat. Human body has its limits and one is limited by his DNA.

But dosctors have found a way to move those limits a little bit further for everyone. Steroids and hormones that have been discovered in the middle of the twentieth century for treating illneses have become extremely popular among regular fitness enthusiasts. Products like Deca Durabolin, Sustanon, D-bol, are a regular companion of everyone that wants to increase his mass or muscle deffinition.

Unfortunately, due to the nature of these drugs, not all of their effects and sideffects are known to a regular joe, but he will use them non the less for he want's the be the best. And as the history, again, starts to repeat itself we can see that extremely fit does mean dumb again!

Following is a list of all anabolic steroids currently awailable on the market.
Accutan, Anadrol, Anastrozole Anavar Andriol Arimidex Boldenone Undeclynate Boldejet Clenbuterol Clomid Cypiojet Cytomel T3 Deca Durabolin - Nandrolone Decanoate Decabol Decaject Dianabol Dianabol-Naposim Durabol HCG-Pregnyl HGH-Somatropin Mastabol Nolvadex Omnadren Oxydrol Primabolan Depot Proviron Stanabol Sustanon Testabol Depot Testabol Propionate Testosterone Depo Thiomucase Trenabol Trenabol Depot Turanabol Viagra Winstrol Depot Winstrol Injectable

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