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Zoyphyte's web Page

My Favorite things

  1. Amanda :D!!!!!
  2. My family
  3. love
  4. my sister (real)
  5. and my friends they know who they are (amanda hergert & LilJen)
  6. Hardwar ( its a game )
  7. FF7
  8. My Kitties :-D

Hello my name is Zoyphyte. I am a 18 year old senior in highschool> I love playing games, sports, Chatting, chilling with my friends, and what not. I'll do more on this later ohh if ya want to im me on msn use my email at bottom of site and my aim sc is iceublue there you go laters. I Love Amanda!!!!

My Favorite Web Sites

Flash site
Free HTML training
My Hardwar Game Site
creat your own web site free
