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Tuesday, September 10, 2002

well i havent updated in a while because i havent had time and i have some shitty ass writers block. but me and sean did come up with a "sk8er boi" parody of that dumb canadian whore avril lavigne. i also wrote a story thingy of lord of the rings which is hella fun-ny but i dont have it with me but ill put it on when i get it. well look around at what little has been updated mmmkay.

Sunday, August 25, 2002

i added a new page because deadjournal seems to hate me as much as aol, yahoo, pretty much internet in general... the new page is 40s journal. im only gonna write if its interesting but i did have an interesting day today. and this site is not gonna be a site where i write a bunch of fun-ny stories, take fun-ny pics, put up fun-ny convos... pretty much this is gonna be a fun-ny site. muahaha. im gonna make seperate pages for mi green day stories... superhero stories... stories people write and so on and so on. well... yeah... depending on how many stories you write... ill make yer own page! weeeeeeeeeeeee!!! yeah im done for now... read mi journal and see why im so fucking hyper!!

Friday, August 23, 2002

not much has happened really... i finally finished part 3 of mi Green Day story and i was told public anthim doesnt need a drummer anymore. but i still need bands to interview though and because school has started.. sigh.. i might not update as much... or maybe even more. who knows... well... yeah just read the story

Wednesday, August 21, 2002

hello everyone. i just added a few more links. im not sure though but i think public anthim is still looking for a drummer. i need more bands to post about and public anthim is the only other band i know. and if anyone would like to interview my lame band the burnt weasels email me a few questions youre gonna ask. you can ask some questions off the top of your head i just want to know some of them. and yes... unfortunatley this is your last day of summer. go out and do something and dont be like me and waste it online... heres the lyrics to good riddance (time of your life)...

another turning point the fork stuck in the road time grabs you by the wrist directs you where to go so make the best of this test and dont ask why its not a question but a lesson learned in time its something unpredictable but in the end is right i hope youve had the time of your life so take the photographs and still frames in your mid hang it on a shelf in good health and good time its something unpredictable but in the end is right i hope youve had the time of your life

Saturday, August 17, 2002

well after 3 days of laziness i finally typed out the second part to my green day story. not as good as the first one but oh well its a story. and heres some eitehr good news or shitty news... SCHOOL STARTS NEXT WEEK!! AHH! oh well. what the hell are ya gonna do. well im done for now and ill update some more later... if not... tomorrow.

Friday, August 16, 2002

im typing out the second part to my green day story so in a day or two ill have it on here. you need the green day fonts uptown and onder to see this site in its not-so-crappy way. if you wanna be in my green day story somehow tell me and ill try and put you in somewhere because im gonna keep writing until i run out of ideas which is... almost never. muahahahahaha. well. ehhh. yeah. i just came back from great america and im tired as hell. wowie that kicked ass though. using the thingy from fight club with the special spot made me not so scared of the rides because im a little puss.. muahaha. ok im done now sleep is good for us humans