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Hello Welcome to our site!
Right now it is under construction!
So right now there isn't much here, and some links and other things may not work, but we're working on it.
We're also working on adding spoilers and quotes from the books.
Sorry about all the popups I know they suck.

Here's the latest news:

The title for book #32 has been released. The following information has been taken from
(Fearless #32)
By Francine Pascal
Cover by J.R. Rost
Simon Pulse, March 2004, ( 224 pages, $5.99 )
Mass Market Paperback, ISBN: 0-689-86707-7

The cover for #32 Terror, can be seen at Flee.

The cover for #31, Normal has been released.

For more infromation go to

There will be a Fearless Book-TV Tie in Series, this is to be released in Febuary 2004.