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Do you really know me?
Or do you just pretend?
Spend a day in my shoes,
And see how well it goes.

What they call me: Vanessa
Years of hell: 18
Date of entrance: January 6th
Residing place: O-HIGH-O
City of entrance: Youngstown
Status of choice: taken, married, single, looking
Vision: Blue
Locks: D. Brown
Tippin the scales: 135lbs.
Stack em' up: 5'5"
Style of choice: Metal-head
Appearance to all: Anything I feel like
Noise pollution: Heavy metal, rock, alternative, punk...
Piercings: 14, only 12 are visible...use your imagination...
Tats: none...yet
First impression: Goth/punk
Second Impression: Fucked up
Third Impression: Run Away
Talents: Guitar, piano, drums, drawing, writing