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Why does it have to be this way

I didn’t care what people thought of me,
I thought I could live life happily,
But I wanted to see life from another view,
I wanted to see life the way you do,

Now I know that can never be,
So take one last good look at me,
I lost myself half way through,
And now there’s nothing you can do,

I see night turn to day,
As I see my life fade away,
I know I’ll go when I want to stay,
I know I’ll die when life becomes ok,
Now there is only one thing to say,
Why does it have to be this way,
Why does life have to be this way,

I used to talk with god a lot,
Now he is all that I got,
But I hardly see him anymore,
It seems that god has shut the door,

I used to be proud of myself,
Now I wish I were someone else,
I wish life were what it was before,
But it seems that time has shut the door,

I see night turn to day,
As I see my life fade away,
I know I’ll go when I want to stay,
I know I’ll die when life becomes ok,
To all this there is one thing to say,
Why does it have to be this way,
Why does life have to be this way,

The grass is greener on the other side,
Life is but a wild ride,
Yet it ends all too fast,
Your first breath is also your last.
