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What Do You Call Evil

Now what do you call evil? I like to think that I am evil in my own way, well, atleast...Badd! People have always told me, I had to be the Spawn of Satan. Wich is almost belivable if you have ever met my father. Come to find out, I was my own way ofcorse. I enjoyed hurting peoples feelings for no apparent reason other than my own enjoyment and entertainment of others. Some call that evil, I call it just mean. My idea of evil is much worse. But who is to say? I only did things wrong now and then, and I still dont do drugs. ~*~COOKIE FOR ME~*~ But when I did do somting wrong, shiitt, I made daymn sure that I did it right! Because when you do it right, its like you didn't do anything. (the only good quote from adultswim) Anyways, the only real times that you have to look out for me being a total bitch, Hungry-Sleepy-Or have not had any caffine in the last hour...

~*~ Good is Bad ~*~ Bad is Evil ~*~ Evil is Good ~*~


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(P2)Who is the Queen
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