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Message to EVERYONE:

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Message to New Students:

On behalf of the Hogwarts staff, I, kikumo, Headmistress of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, would like to personally welcome you to your new school. All students will take part in an annual Quidditch match in late December/early January, as a spectator or a player.

As you all may know, the Forbidden Forest and the third-floor corridors are off limits to all students. Those who are found in these select areas of campus will face expulsion.

All students will be sorted into their houses on the Sorting Ceremony at the beginning of term. If a student misses the ceremony, we ask that they would neomail kikumo with answers to the Sorting Hat's questions ASAP. There are 4 houses:

  • Gryffindor
  • Ravenclaw
  • Hufflepuff
  • Slytherin

  • Throughout your years at Hogwarts, you will be responsible for your actions, good and bad. When you achieve something your house will earn points. Any rule-breaking and your house will lose points. The house with the most points at the end of every term in early June, will receive the House Cup and a prize to be decided at a later date.

    Our caretaker, Mr. Filch, is not to be tormented with dumgbombs and other clever inventions from Honeyduke's Riddle Shop in Hogsmeade. He has already given detentions to 6 students who have broken this school rule. 100 points will be deducted from your house if you are caught by a teacher or a school prefect.

    Without any further redue, I would like to welcome you to Hogwarts. Pay attention during class and do your homework!


    Guild Announcements:

    Kikumo, our headmistress, has made the decision to alter the restrictions to students. As you may know, only third-years and above may enter Hogsmeade, as stated in the Harry Potter book series. However, kikumo has changed this rule so that everyone may enter and have fun. Thanxx kikumo!

    Congratulations to the Weasley twins, Fred and George, who have opened up a stand outside of Honeyduke's Riddle Shop. They are now selling their famous inventions under the title of Weasley's Wizard Wheezes, so go take a look at their items that will surely make you squeal! (Please note that this is not included in the HP book series. We are just having some fun!)

    And, last but not least, we are getting ready for Christmas. That means...

    NO HOMEWORK FOR STUDENTS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Be ready to work when you come back, however! Kikumo is teaching Defense Against the Dark Arts...uhoh! Uberlightfaerie4 is teaching Care of Magical Creatures...o0o0o0o0o0!!!!!!!

    Quidditch Announcements:

    If you are interested in joining your house's Quidditch team, please see the head of your house. All you need to provide is your broomstick. Equipment is provided by the school. Throughout the year, houses play against each other for the Quidditch Cup, to be announced at the end of the Quidditch season.

    How to Play:

    For those new students who are unfamiliar with the game of Quidditch, you will learn soon enough. Each team has 7 players, 3 chasers, 2 beaters, 1 keeper, and 1 seeker. There are 4 balls in play, the quaffle (1), the bludgers (2), and the golden snitch (1). The chasers handle the quaffle and try to throw it into one of the 3 golden hoops at their team's end. The beaters manage the bludgers with their clubs. The keeper guards the goals, and the seeker tries to find the golden snitch. The seeker who finds and catches the snitch first ends the game and scores 150 points for their team, which usually guarantees their team a victory. There are, however, some odd chances of the seeker catching the snitch, but their team will not win. This happened at the Quidditch World Cup. Krum of Bulgaria caught the snitch, but Ireland had scored so much that even 150 points wouldn't bring Bulgaria ahead. The final score was 170-160 and Ireland won. A fascinating game, Quidditch is. We would like to wish everyone a safe season!