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Hi stupid_gothgurl02! It's been 28 days since you joined Xanga... won't you support us by going Premium?

Wednesday, July 21, 2004

Currently Playing
Damnation & A Day
By Cradle of Filth
see related
- "Mannequin"well its 11:54now and im talking to my baby on the phone i think ima put a dimmu borgir pic on my page instead of my ugly self ickhumm in so bored i can't get "progenies of the great apocalypse" out of my head o well its a good song im playing with my spikes well devin just had to get off the phoneim dying my hair today YAYY FUN ....not theres nothin to do grrr i think imma color again devin when u read this u better update ur xanga boi lol i wuff yew song of the day cradle of filth"Mannequin"heres the lyricsLed to other worlds
By the girls she curled within
I took their skins to see Her
Be my mannequin

Be my mannequin

I cannot remember
How it was that we first met
Curve of moon and haunted shore
The stars were not those Heaven sent

Did we come together
At masked palatial Balls
In silks and flesh and leather
Or did we come at all?
I dreamt a midnight castle
The eerie song of wolves
And eyes that danced with fire
As they have forever more

Our rites of sin
Have long fathered a hymn
To burden Him
Whom by slip of after whim
At genesis
Dressed Her like the wind
In Autumn gowns
That pinned Her down
To be my mannequin

Be my mannequin

Always poised on winter

But never would She break
My lovecraft and black witch heart
That pounded in Her wake

We kissed on distant balconies
A law unto Her own
Thirteenth dark commandment
Of figures pressed to stone
Turning cream with fantasies
That God alone would know
We graced vomitorium
With the sweet excess of Rome

Flagrant in the past
Our names were deeply carved On the tree of life in long dead languages

Led to other worlds
By the girls she curled within
I took their skins to see Her
Be my mannequin

Be my mannequin

I tongued the nuns at Louviers
But not one word possessed
Her divine right, an archetype
For mortal Goddesses... u should really listine to this song when u get the chance

Tuesday, July 20, 2004

Currently Reading
Wormwood: A Collection of Short Stories
By Poppy Z. Brite
see related
i noe i like just wrote an entry and all but i forgot somthin i just wanted to show yall the lyrics to this amazing new song by dimmu borgirtotaly kickass

Progenies Of The Great Apocalypse

The battle raged on and on
Fuelled by the venom of hatred for man
Consistently, without the eyes to see
By those who revel in sewer equally

We, the prosperity of the future seal
Cloaked by the thunders of the north wind
Born to capture the essence of
The trails of our kind

Zero tolerance must be issued forth
Behind the enemyīs line
So it shall be written
And so it shall be done
Repeat verse

Repeat 1st and 2nd verses

Discover and conceive the secret wealth
And pass it unto your breed
Become your own congregation
Measure the sovereignty of itīs invigoration

We, who not deny the animal of our nature
We, who yearn to preserve our liberation
We, who face darkness in our hearts with a solemn fire
We, who aspire to the truth and pursue itīs strength

Are we not the undisputed prodigy of warfare
Fearing all the mediocrity that they possess
Should we not hunt the bastards down with our might
Reinforce and claim the throne that is rightfully ours

Consider the god we could be without the grace
Once and for all
Diminish the sub principle and leave itīs toxic trace
Once and for all

Currently Playing
Death Cult Armageddon
By Dimmu Borgir
see related
hey well i haven't wrote in awhile i kinda forgot devins not home so i think imma call darilyn or somthin and ask if she wants to hangout or somthin theres nothin else to do.....i unno about this whole long distance relationship thing i mean i love devin with all my hear and all but....i unno i have a bad feeling that some other girl is gunna come along and hes gunna find her better than me i mean i don't like to be negative and he keeps telling me not to cause its bad for me but i do have my doubs i can't help it i unno if i can wait till christmas to see devin its killin me not to be able to see him i unno what im gunna do i love him sooooooo much and i unno what im gunna do anymore hopefully we will last another year or so so we can like see eachother cause imma get a car and stuff but i just......i have no clue im really confused about my emotions right now and theres noone that understands anymore someone anyone needs to get online mom took away aol now i got yahoo and icq i want devin to get home soon but he just left i really need to talk to him i unno y but i soo have a bad felling that when school starts hes gunna meet someone better theres lots of ppl better than me song of the day is avenged sevenfold
"im not gunna see you tonight pt.1"i think i just need to get out or just go lie down and listine to music or somthin well devin when u read this i love u sooooooooooooooo much u have no clue im me or call me when u get home buh byes 4 now

Saturday, July 17, 2004 talkin to my baby i really miss talkin to him on the phonewell just one more day i love u sooooooooo much baby and i hope i never loose yew u r my life thx for sayin i look cute lolya i quess dad is cool but ya that means he likes yew i am so bored theres nothin to do im soo bored i think imma quite writing for now otay buh bye till tommorow



Friday, July 16, 2004

well i woke up early today to talk to my babywell he just sighned off hummimtalkin to tiff tiff on the phone theres nothin to do gosh im so bored i wish i could call devin but i unno if his dad would let so thats off well i think imma watch some tv

love yas

i devin


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