Elephant Watch Tower - Disclaimer

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Hello, and welcome to Elephant watch tower! upon clicking continue you are agreing to the terms and conditions of this site.

  1. 1.nobody connected to the creation of this site is to be to be held responsable to any damage caused to your computer from viewing any elephantwatchtower (elephant watch tower) site
  2. 2.upon clicking continue you are agreaing to avoid any involvement or have influence on any legal action involving elephantwatchtower (elephant watch tower) without the consent of the creator beforehand
  3. 3.i reserve the right to change the terms and conditions withought any notice, and to allow certain people (of my choice) to be released from these terms and conditions at any time
  4. 4.poor spelling located anywere in the terms and conditions are to be ignored, and as long as the word has an obviose meaning it shall be exepted as that.


this disclaimer is here for my own protection, and as far as i know (and i programed every line of this site) there are no viruses or suspicoise files located anywere on this site, nor does it contain any ilegal matirial