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My Toy.....The Colt .45 AGL Revolver

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To the beautiful blackwoman, a poem...... Enchanting angel,I am worthy of your heart. I am worthy of your grace. Passion and fulfillment take their place in my heart and in my mind. The perfect woman I no longer have to find. Come with me angel of my dreams, I offer,in kindness, my heart and all I can be. Bless me my Sweet Aphrodite, Isis of the moon, you who are all that ever was all that will be. Cometo me, veiled Queen of the Night. Seeing you in all your glory robs me of my sight. I ask you now, can you return my love, And offer you heart from so high above... Help me heal... Help me feel... For you I will do all that I can, For the simple honor of you calling me your man. Yours always, Christopher

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click here to find out which asian action superstar you are!

You are Jackie Chan! you like to take risks. you live for the moment. you are a thrill-seeker. At heart, you`re a really nice person.
you funny, charasmatic and full of energy.although sometimes your goofness gets you into trouble, your
drunken boxing skills are fabulous! just bring a pot of rice wine with you.

  • My #1 result for the selector, Trigun character selector, is Vash the Stampede

    See which Pandora`s Box character you are..


    Your Sex Sign is Cancer!

    You`re a total pleaser.
    One sample of your touch, and anyone is hooked.
    You`re so good that you`ve gotten people off just with your incredible kissing.
    You`re a bit of a romantic, and you only have sex that`s meaningful.

    Cancer, you are a born pleaser.
    Few people can resist your passionate, playful allure.
    An incurable romantic, you adorebeing courted.
    You`ll do anything for a lover that sends you flowers or love tokens.

    You like lots of cuddling, touching, and kissing.
    You are a celebrated kisser.
    You also like to touch and fondle yourself.
    Typically, you learned to give yourself pleasure at a very young age.
    As an adult, you are easily aroused and multi-orgasmic.
    Mutual masturbation is very satisfying for you.

    You are extremely aware of your sexual attraction.
    You telegraph your sensuality with every move you make.
    You have the most communicative body language of any sign.

    You are very emotional, and you constantly need an emotional outlet.
    Frequent sex seems to calm you down.
    But you are old fashioned, and a quickie is not your style.
    You prefer long, slow seductions, erotic masasages, and lots of oral sex.

    What`s *Your* SexSign?
    More Great Quizzes from Quiz Diva

    You Are An Intense Kisser!

    Deep tounging, nibbling, and locking lips for hours are on your agenda.
    You`ve been known to wear lovers out with your kiss, before getting to anything else on the menu.
    And given that you kiss so well... imagine how you do everything else.

    What Your Kissing Style Says AboutYou:

    When you want something you go for it, and you don`t letgo until it`s yours.
    And when you feel, you feel intensely (surprised?). Youhave a dramatic streak, no doubt.
    If you`re in a relationship, youdon`ttake anything lightly. And neither should your lover.

    Your Personal Kissing Matches and Mismatches:

    Hook up with other Intense Kissers to have the experience of a life time. You`ll both feel incredible things, both in your heart and down there! If you are looking for an even more sexual fun, find the nearest Carnal Kisser. You`ll get kissed down there just right.

    Stay away from Manic Kissers at all costs. They spread it around a little too much to give you the passion you crave. And forget about Juicy Kissers as well - they seem a bit too superficial for you.

    How Do *You* Kiss?
    More Great Quizzes from Quiz Diva

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    Which Dysfunctional Care Bear Are You? brought to you by Quizilla

    Toy Rules All!

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    :Zodiac Sign:

    The land ofXanth, on the Planet Gunsmoke.


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