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%%This is me..Take it or leave it! ~And everyone left it~%%

%%I suck.%%

SIMPLE QUESTIONS (for a simplistic mind like mine '-_-)

1. Full name: Sofia I. (I would rather not give out my last name)

2. Nicknames: Suf, Sufi, Sof (like one person calls me that ..), Sofa, Cocodoco Fasolocopa (AHH TRY TO SAY IT FAST!), Suf Wuf, Quazar, and much much more

4. Height: 5'6?

5. Hair: dark brown

6. Siblings: 2 older brothers

7. Do u like to sing in the shower? secretly.. yes..

8. Do u like to sing? If no one is around me

9.Birthday: December 11th

10. Sign: Sagitarius

11.Address: .....

12. Sex: female

13. Righty or lefty: Righty

14. What do you want in a relationship most? -no comment-

15.have you ever cheated? on a guy? nope

16. Marital status: Single

17. Do you have a car? .... sure I do...

18. What kinda car do you have? .. *cough*


19. Movies: Nightmare before christmas, Edward scissor hands, Pirates of the Carribean Bah anything with Tim Burton. Also The virgin suicides, interview with the vampire, Donnie Darko, Ghost World, Cruel Intentions, and I'm pretty sure I missed something..

20. Songs: Well.. This is very difficult to answer... Ana's song - Silverchair, All Nirvana songs.. (dammit I can't choose) Would?-Alice in chains, Just-Radiohead, Playground Love-Air, The Celluloid dream- AFI, Stairway to heaven- Led Zeps, People are strange-the doors, AND MUCH MUCH MORE!

25. Food: uhh food? Anything but seafood, liver, and fried pickles, or anything from mcDonalds... thats all so disgusting.. everything else is ok... I think..

26. Number: 0,13

27. Cartoon: Daria (.....)

28. Random?: uh...randoms good?

29. Colour: Black, white (those are shades..I know) green and red, and grey..I dont really hate any colors.. as long as they aren't too bright


30. Do you plan on having kids? I don't even plan on getting married!

33. Get married? don't think so

34. Would you have kids before marriage? no

35. Do u have a b/f or g/f: no

36. u have a crush: nope...well there is Johnny Depp.. But he is much too old for me.. so.. I guess not

38. Music/TV: Music

39. Guys/Girls: Both...

40. Green/Blue: green

41. Pink/Purple: Dark Purple.

42. Summer/Winter: Fall

43. Night/Day: Night

44. Hanging out/Chilling: same thing

45. Dopey/Funny: Funny

46. You know I'm around when you hear: ARE YOU ASKING FOR A CHALLENGE!!!!?

47. What school do u go to? You wouldn't want to know..

49. What's a major turn on for you? I have no idea

51. Most blonde: Kayla... *shudders*

53. Funniest: They know who they are..

54:Tallest: uh dunno..

55.BeSt pErSoNaLiTy: Stop writing like that.. It looks idiotic

56. Which people do you trust and are open with the most (a.k.a. best friends) They know who they are..

57.What do you think of soul mates?: Crap.

58. Is it right to flirt if you have a bf/gf? No thats just whorey

59. What was the last thing you cried over or got teary about? Why the hell do you want to know!?

60. What's something about guys/girls you don't get: ....Why are they such mindless fools!? (no not everyone.. just most)

61. What's one thing you can't live without: Music

62. love or Lust: .. love?

63. silver or gold: silver

65. Diamond or pearl: Diamond

63. Sunset or sunrise: Sunset

64. Have you ever gone skinny-dipping?: Do I look like a person who would!?

65. Do you sleep with stuffed animals?: No

66. Do you have any piercings: yep.

67. What colour underpants are you wearing right now?: ...

68. What song are u listening to right now? Suprisingly nothing 0_o

69: Whats the last 4 digits of your home phone: .... You want to know this because?

70. Where would you want to go on your honeymoon: Again.. I don't plan on getting married.. So I wouldn't know

71. Who do you want to spend the rest of your life with? how would i know? im 14 man

72. What's the first thing you notice about the opposite sex?: eyes? Hah.. how perdictable.. I have no idea..

73. What is/are your favourite sport(s)?: If you forced me to choose.. Hockey

74. What makes you happy? Music

75. What's the next cd/s you're gonna get? Silverchair.. or... I dont know..

76. Do u wear contacts or glasses? glasses! Althought I don't wear them, or contacts.. Perfect vision :)

77. What's the best advice given to you? umm... "No offence but defence"-My uncle '_'. "Never take advice from Juju..This is an exception"- Juju (Julie) 0_0, "If there are holes in your socks, your feet are trying to escape!"- Socky (Heather)

78. Have you ever won any special awards? Don't remember.. which is quite pathetic

79. What are your goals? to be successful?

81. do you like Funny or Scary movies better? Funny, scary movies are lame

82. On the phone or in person? I despise the telephone

83. Hugs or kisses?: Stay away..

84. What song seems to reflect you the most? Emotion Sickness- Silverchair ~Addict with no Heroin~

85. If you died tomorrow who would you leave everything you own to? family, and my closest friends... anything left over can go to anybody

86. Do u have any enemies? yes

88. Would you rather be rich or famous? I don't want to be famous.. because of all the attention.. so rich

89.Have you ever been in love? no

91. Have you ever met santa? Who hasn't ?

92. If E.T. knocked on your door holding up a peace sign and asked you to use your phone what would you do?: I would be too freaked out to realize it was him.. I would probably slam the door on him.. I know it's mean... But I'm being honest right!?

93. When did you last talk to the person that you like? I don't like LIKE anyone -_-

94. Do u have any pets? Two parkeets

96. Last time you were stressed: when school was still on

97. Are you an alcoholic? No

98. Who sent this to you? Juju, Stacey, and Sockey

99. What do you think of this person? Um, their my closest friends.. along with some other people..

100. Do u want your friends to write back? Dont care...


%%Everything comes to an end. Everyone dies alone%%