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Mel's Wonderful Life of Spectacular Spooky Doom

7-15-03 12:22AM
Production has finally started, albeit pathetically, as I have no idea what to put up here and thusly will probably find myself bored with this endeavor in five minutes or so. That was kind of a long sentence. Check out my journal, but do so at your own risk (it's even more boring than I am...and it goes on forever). Just for the record, I would like to note that the journal and this page have similar color schemes, although I hope you were capable of figuring that out for yourself.

I added a second page, this one devoted to oddities, inspired by my pondering of the recycling doors thing. Hey, sometimes I get bored at work, when the kids aren't too busy getting hurt and/or trying to kill each other. You know how those things are. Anyway, have fun with my weirdness.

7-18-03 3:15PM
Third page (info) is up. Tomorrow is Opeth day! Yay!

7-21-03 10:49PM
Opeth was awesome, as was Porcupine Tree. But Opeth...damn, they were fucking amazing. In other news, I added a page for artwork and helped a certain friend without a name start her own website. Twenty points for anyone who can guess the identity of aforementioned friend.

7-31-03 12:33AM
I put up a page for stuff I've written. So far, it's just a couple of poems but I'll get more stuff on there eventually, when people aren't screaming at me to get off the computer.

I was in the middle of trying to synch up my colors (there has to be a better word for it but I can't think of it right now) when my artwork page somehow got all screwy. I'm not sure how it happened, but right now I'm too pissed to do a decent job of fixing it up, so until further notice, please stay away from my artwork page.

8-02-03 12:23AM
The artwork page has been redone, and now includes an image of the mural.

8-17-03 11:20PM
I posted the sermon I wrote for Panda to give to the Rocky people. It is fun. Read it please. There's a link on the writing page.

8-20-03 12:58AM
There now exists a shrine for The Exploding Pudding Fiasco.

8-27-03 2:00AM
I put up another poem, and also made a page about my cat, because everyone should love my cat.

8-30-03 2:12 AM
Check out the relationships thingy on the writing page.

8-31-03 9:26 PM
Production stills are up. Find them on the movie page. : )

9-24-03 1:15 AM
Check out the memoir under writing. It's not actually new, but give me some credit for finally getting around to putting it up. : )


I've just made life easier for my stalkers
The Exploding Pudding Fiasco (my movie)
The coolest cat in the world...
