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y0z w@t's uP m@n..dIs iS mY fiRst tYm dOinG m¥ oWn wEbby,hOpE u dUn mInD wOrx..!!1rstlY i WanNA inTroduCe mYselF to U...My Name:Gary,Age:12m+,Sch:anDerson sEc.sCh,bDaY:12 of oCt,i WanNA tAlk aBt my hobBiEs...mY hObbIeS r lIsTenINg tO mUSic(eNg),tAlkinG oN tHE pHonE,plAyinG hP & SOCCER!!!! tHe rEas0n y i lYk to lIstEn mUsiCis BeCoz thEy haVe tEchno & even sTh mAy mAke u$ slp & cRy eSpEcIallY whEn u r iN lOvE aNd u bReak uP!tAlkinG tHrOugH e pHone&play hP iS nAtUral!sOccEr,i lyK2plAy sINce i'm 5 yRs olD...but then by now my aGe..i sTarT2plAy wiF tHosE 18aGE+ qUitE niCe whEN i plAy wIf thEm alThouGh i'm noT sCAre whEN i kEn@ rAm bY thEm...iF thErE is a cHanCe..i hOpe i wOulD sEe gAl plAying sOccEr&fiGhTinG...coZ thE wAy thEy fiGhT is dAmn fUnnY loR..i cAN tEll u how tHEy fiGhT..thEy pUll eAch othEr haIr,slAp eAch otHer fAce,fiGht heRe&thEre! anYthinG jUZ emAil to mE,my emAill aDd iS bEloW,@@ down!
