
who has the right to take any ones life when they themselves make no sacrifices for anyone, many of the best people have been killed by the narrow-minded people who cant accept anyone having their own views on life and thinking for themselves.

many of the people that are killed deserve life, and many of the people that live deserve death, could you make the decision of who goes in what category?

if you met a child that may later grow up to cause the next world war would you be able to destroy the child to eliminate the risk, and if so why not the next child, or your child, or you own sibling, there will always be risks in life no matter where you go.

never persecute someone for what they are, but accept them for who they are, everyone has equal rights, black and white, smart and dim, child and adult. we are all people and we all have opinions, we cant change them so don't try to make us.

if you wish to email me to give me your opinions on anything I have said, or even your own thoughts email me at