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The Fight

I had no idea of what i was doing but at that moment i was sick and tired of unexplainable things happening to me so i decided to get some answers.

"Who are you!!" I screamed at the two figures, "Where am I !!"

I don't think they were happy with my yelling.
Actually i knew they weren't happy with my yelling since they advanced on me almost trapping me.

But then, through the door i came through, the girl i saw when i came down the tunnel walked in rather casually.

The two "monsters" backed away from me and sprinted out of a door i didn't see before.

I was just about to speak when the girl gestured me to follow her out yet another door.

I hesitated but she had saved my life so i followed her through many hallways, it was easy to get lost.

Soon i was in front of a wooden door.
It was huge and looked very, very old.

I knew i had to go through but i was still uneasy

Where would you like to go?