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DeDe's 'Lil Web Site


AbOuT Me!!!
My PiX!!!
this one is nothing so far, but if still wanna click on it, u'll just see a really cool format!
weblog posts

Jus a lil note 4 who eva reads tha stuff on here...

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((::Tuesday, January 7th, 2003::)) hm......been almost a month since i updated...sry bout that, but this is gonna be shout. we have finals this week and part of next week. we got them thurs, fri, mon, and tues. but its ok bc we get to get out of school at 12:10. YAY!!! lol. well, life is boring.. why? ok well this is taking up so much time and lots of studying still has to be done. so bye for now!

((::monday, december 8th, 2002::)) uh....not gonna write a lot bc tha bill board music awards r about to start but...i jus wanted to kno...who of u dat r actually reading this, read it regularly?.....leave me a message on my guestbook...oh and happy b-day to my ((yesterday))

((::saturday, december 7th, 2002::)) eh.....why is life like this? (i dunno why im sounding like this but i have a bunch of mixed feelings in me and i need to vent) a person i kno (no names) jus totally slapped reality in my face, rite where i couldnt miss it...i wish they'd done it earlier. they said they felt bad for it and that they didnt mean it, but i kno it was true....all i am is jus a brat. plain and simple. "everytime you say something, you sound like a bitchy spoiled brat you are never satisfied with anything nothing is ever good enough for you" heh, tha words of a true one else i kno would actually say dat to me; this person had tha courage to tho. maybe i have a malediction...i guess i tend to sound and be selfish. you kno......i guess im also a bit picky at times too...but u kno wut...IM SRY!!!!!!!!! i try to help.....i try to be nice....i try to be considerate....i try to be a good person...BUT IF U HADNT NOTICED YET!!!!!! NO ONE IS PERFECT!!!!!!!!!!!!! not every one is nice to me....i dun expect then to but that doesnt mean im gonna be mean to them baq. well im not in very high spirits rite now so i dun feel like writing ne i'll stop here for today.....

((::monday, december 2nd, 2002::)) ello again. today was our first day baq afta thanxgiving break and it was annoying bc i TOTALLY didnt feel like getting up this morning. ahhhhh........tha bordem i suffer. **tear** marissa is well marissa is wanting to leave her mark...

"howdy do da day... so special because ... i

yes, well ....great...: /.........wellz...maybe i'll continue this l8er. bai 4 now!

((::saturday, november 30th, 2002::)) hey, so far, this is a LARGE improvement compared to yesterday but of course no one was here to see it bc no one knoes about this yet. so basically im tlking to myself until sumone reads this ((which would be now)) boy, do i feel stupid. well this is still, and almost always will be, a work in progress. but thanx to anyone who visits regularly (and hopefully will continue to) Thanx. : D

((::fri, nov 29th, 2002::)) Yay! im already starting to learn some of this HTML not as hard as i thought and, so far, this doesn't look half bad. but evidently im still only doing tha "easy" stuff. oh wellz. and i jus realized this is my 3rd post in one day! geeze. and i also jus realized how much i hate angelfire but yet im still using it, oh well!...well ne way dats all i wanted to put so...BAI!!! : D

((::FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 29th, 2002::)) MY FIRST POST!!! YAY!!! hey, i finally got a site up. it was so simple i dunno why i didnt bother b4. well if u read on u will see i already started this a while ago, jus dat i hadnt had a site to post it on...well now i do! and this is my first official post. i dunno what may come of this but we'll just see where all this leads. rite now, this site is a very simple format, but dats bc im stupid and i dunno how to do this crap. im trying to learn, so bear with me on this (those of you who are still reading, and hopefully continue to read as i continue on this day by day) well, dats about all i got in me 4 now. so read on (if u wish) and continue reading as i update more often.

((::fri, nov. 29th, 2002::)) yesterday was thanxgiving. wut was everybody thankful for i ask? our family, before we ate, prayed, and before we prayed we all stood in a circle and held hands and we all had to say one thing we were thankful for. i said food, but that was bc i was REALLY hungry. but seriously, what IS everyone thankful for? food, money, life? so many ppl are thankful for all these materialistic things. i kno i am too, but why? wut is it about those things that makes us want them so bad? some people wish for fame and fourtune. but i still ask....why? i have no answers, so where do we get them from? well this totally had no point but i think its worth thinking about. dont u?

((::saturday, november 16th, 2002::)) (this goes wit tha last one) ok....i have this other cuzin....and i was jus tlking to him today. i only found out he existed and was family last yr. ive seen him once (last yr) and it was bc they came to visit us. hes my age and the other cousin IS older than me but still....we're so much closer...hes almost like a brother...we get along so i SERIOUSLY wonder why things turn out this way. maybe its fate. but im not too sure about fate. i believe we make our own decisions and choose our own paths but i dunno....i still thing we're supposed to go a certain way.....ok i totally trailed off frm my 1st subject..ok well then im gonna be stopping here 4 today then.

((::Wed, Nov 13th, 2002::)) (I wanted to write this forever!!!) Do any of u have those ppl in ur lives (family and/or friends) dat uve known ur whole life, but yet u still kno nothing about them? wuts up wit dat?! i kno i one cuzin...ive known him 4ever! and we never tlk. its sad how it turns out this way...why does it happen? it makes no sense to me.
