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ha well its been months since I updated but I have a feeling that with school comeing to an end I shall have much time to spend with my dear computer. Anyhow I had gone on a quizing spree earlier and I decided since I couldn't find the power cord to my scanner chances were that I would never get around to the recent creations page. Now the old recent creations has become the new and improved quiz results page(( heh itsn't it useless)) any how I was bored and I had a empty web page and a shit load of codes from quizes. bah I'm starveing I'm tried I'm not ready for the final latter today ((it's 3:50)) chances are that I wont go to sleep untill 5:00 though......well seems to be enough for now, I think I may try to actualy start posting in my diary every couple days again.

::Toodles for now darlings::


well it is offical emmers has decided to stop mooching ha just kidding, i was happy to host her site but she has decided to move on to better things. i'll leave the link to where her website was so that you can still get an update on the link to the new page once she gets it, i'll also be sure to change the link to her new page once i find out the url. ^^ i have nothing planed for most of the weekend so i may end up working on the website since the message boards have become quite dull v.v. OMFG WOLFSHEIM CONCERT ON SUNDAY!!! emmers fucking awsome dad switched shifts so he could take us up there on sunday.



put in a new entry on the diary page, its quite large and should include alitlle information on some changes on the site. i have thrown my self into a mad obssesion with Ville and HIM in general, i'm not one of those idiots that sit around and look up his favorite ice cream flavor or any thing >.o. i also have a bit about Ville in my entry in my diary, i started painting the heartagram tattoo that ville has on my mirror but i ran out of paint. its pretty much done now but i still might go back and use diffrent shades of grey to show the detail in it. for now here's a pic of it so far


ya well i've had my internet back for more than a week now, =P neglecting my website duties. so far i've only add some pointless fan list links >.o, but i'm planing to loading some pictures i've handled useing photoshop & i'm hopeing to get my layout that i am making done by the first week of march. I may also have to move some things or make a layout for my fan listings links if i keep on joining them.

::tisk tisk christina::


sorry really really haven't been updateing, computer happens not to be working currently (happens to be on dr.deans computer) hopefully zack will beable to fix it this afternoon. so i bid you a farewell for now, even though i notice that absolutely no one but me even looks at my website.

::ta ta for now::

a ya i just got a guestbook so have fun......& sorry about the pop ups i'm too lazy to pay for that too

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::leave your thoughts behind::

i added some stuff tot he diary part.bleh.will work latter. for now here's a poke the penguin game

::poke the penguin::

a ya well i sorta forgot about the website for almost a month now.... i guess i will do some thing on it some time in the future.....i guess.....well heres a interesting picture to hold you over

::i guess::

i guess i'm opening my site up today -shrug- i hardly have any thing on it, things still aren't working.
will post updates

::grand opening::

Layout by jessica shan
Brushes from truly-sarah, the fifth muse and

◊ diary ◊
◊ photography ◊
◊ Quiz results binge ◊
◊chatter box◊
◊ Daydream gaphics◊




◊Color of Nightfall◊
◊Nightfall Desgins◊
◊emmers rants on blogger◊

((even though dear emmers has decided to leave my beautiful hosting kingdom i will keep links to her sites updated))

Bloggers and Xangs
◊Johns' xanga◊
◊Johns' blogger◊