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~`~Site areas~`~
omg it's almost NOVEMBER 18!!! ** Channel dan news
Emma and Rupert
**about me!
.:eyecandy:. yummy

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my other page. If it says "url unavailable" then keep pressing refresh untill is goes through.

A super dan fan realm!

DanielRadclifferocks.com...The name says it all

A super Site. totally professional and super fun

Official site: harrypotter.com


October 24, 2005 I'M SO SORRY! I havent updated in forevers!

ALERT!!! Harry Potter in less than 3 days!! OMG OMG OMG!
Well the latest MUGGLECAST/POTTERCAST or LEAKYMUG or whatevers is up! The one with the live from NY its podcast HP! Naw jk. It is sooo funny and includes a little quote about the bath scene. They say they were surprised they showed so much... Keep you head out of the gutter! HIT www.mugglecast.com to learn more about podcasts.
Check them out also for more pictures, and for more updates! What the hell is this place?

Well my friend, this site is for all dan fans and friends of dan fans to unite and learn and satisfy thier hunger for eye candy and 411. This is a place you can go to when no one is around and you don't want people to see or know what your'e thinkin (cause everyone here is thinking the same thing). This is a place you can show your friends, you can link to, you can steal stuff off of and whatever! This is a place for everyone!

Whos Dan?

Daniel Radcliffe plays Harry Potter in the harry potter movies.

Born on July 23, 1989, He is currently 16 and getting hotter by the second.

Dan 411 Name: Daniel Alan Radcliffe DOB (Date Of Birth): July 23, 1989 Likes Music: Sex pistols, Iggy pop (?)... Movies: whats eating Gilbert Grape... (more coming soon) also: Formula one racing, PS2... ice cream: Vanilla with chocolate sauce cake: "I'm not much of a cake person." -dan

(Note all pictures belong to JK Rowling, Warner Bro.s or their respected owners and no picture (unless indicated) was taken or is property of this website. No money is being made and no disrespect is intended.)
Hope you enjoyed my site! Please visit my links!

Basic dan 411

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one of the best
my hard rockin xanga