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Carers For Life
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Mission Statement:

“Carers for Life is a support network for people suffering from psychiatric illnesses and their families/whanau and hapu”.

 In order to address this statement, our goals and objectives are as followed:

 Goal One:

To support, lobby and advocate for psychiatric sufferers and their families.

Objective One:

Our objective is to continue to lobby Parliament, the District Health Board and the Dunedin City council on behalf of psychiatric sufferers and their families.  We will continue to do so by means of letter writing, attending meetings, conferences, functions and select committee meetings. 


 Our Advocacy includes representing sufferers and families at organisations and situations specified by our clients.  This includes housing, employment, financial and health issues as well as representing sufferers in relation to the media.

 Goal Two:

To continually research, in order to provide information regarding psychiatric illnesses and services available, to families, sufferers and the community,

Objective two:

Our objective involves ongoing research by all members of the organisation.  The information found will then be compiled by Jacqui, our research analyst, and then used to updates our website, pamphlets and for the production of a bi-monthly newsletter. 

 Goal three:

To successfully lobby the District Health Board to establish a ‘safe-haven’ for psychiatric sufferers.

 Objective Three:

We seek to continually lobby until the District Health Board agrees to acknowledge the need for a ‘safe-haven’ by including it in their annual plan.  By achieving this, the District Health Board thus provides Psychiatric sufferers and their families with a means of assessment while living within community care and with a place of refuge in times of difficulty.


In relation to our obligations to the Treaty of Waitangi we have provided the following Mission, Goals and objectives:

 Mission Statement:

"To provide an organisation where clients have a right to chose culturally applicable services under Article two of the Treaty of Waitangi."

 Goal One:

To ensure that Maori have the opportunity to obtain Maori Kaupapa services within our organisation.

 Objective One:

In order to provide this service we have ensured that all members of the organisation have an adequate fluency in Te Reo Maori and Maori Kaupapa services. 

When a sufferer approaches us they have the option of selecting Maori Kaupapa services.  Claire Kelliher has an extensive background in Maori Kaupapa services in relation to Hauora and all members of the organisation are trained in the Hauora method called known as ‘Tapawha’.

 Goal two:

To ensure that Maori have input into how services are provided to them.

 Objective two:

We ensure that Maori have input into how our services are provided to them by an annual assessment carried out by local Iwi.

 Finally, all missions, goals and objectives are reviewed at our annual general meeting.