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An incomplete list of Christian Lies:

Past and present

  1. The age of the planet.
  2. Origin of humans as well as all other life.
  3. Jesus is still alive.
  4. Origin of the universe.
  5. "Speaking with God".
  6. The bible is written by God.
  7. That you are guilty of sin from birth.
  8. The world is flat.
  9. The sun revolves around the earth.
  10. The belief that jews worship Satan. (widely taught and believed in mediaeval Europe)
  11. Christian moral high ground.
  12. That sin is forced upon you by Satan.
  13. Noah's flood.
  14. The Gospel was written by the disciples.
  15. Existence of God.
  16. God created animals for us to "have dominion" over them.
  17. Sin.
  18. We are all condemned to Labor for the first sin.
  19. God needs your worship.
  20. Jews, Muslims and Homosexuals are evil.
  21. Jesus is returning.
  22. Murder is ok if you are doing "God's work".( the crusades, the Spanish inquisition, witch trials)
  23. That biblical history goes back to the beginning.(humans have been anatomically human for over 100k years, the bible goes back 6k)
  24. We were created from mud.