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Quincy High School

Extracurricular Activities

How to join Selection Process What You Need to know  

Students frequently call upon their high school counselors in desperate search of insight wisdom and, ultimately, enlightenment. Or, is it that these counselors would prefer that this be the situation, especially when students of QHS are in the process of choosing extracurricular activities.
It seems that, far too often, what should be instructive and constructive recreation becomes instead an exercise for the high school student aimed at satisfying a perception of not attending to the process of what the seminar block is actually intended to be used. Yet with the aim of many students to enter college, it may seem for what the student is using EC is too often aimed at satisfying the perception of an ever-widening college admissions performance maw. It might be the perceived notion that any First Rate University (FRU) requires evidence of world class well roundedness in order for a student to be among the select few who are both accepted and receive financial incentives to attend.
For a moment understand the way extracurricular activities are chosen from both the college admissions perspective, and from what may be referred to as the “healthy” student developmental side – in other words – “what's best for the student.”
Speaking with college officers, there is the overwhelming impression that the well-rounded student is what admissions people are looking for. What they want is a well-rounded student body. That is, a group of students each with at least one well developed skill that will contribute to the vitality of campus life.
It became quite clear a student who demonstrates to a college admissions officer at a campus with a vacancy in the marching band that she/he can play the clarinet superbly is going to be recruited ahead of, and be granted a better financial offer than, a student who has participated in six different extracurricular activities in high school but has not developed any one of them to any depth.
Here are a few rules you should ask yourself as you consider when choosing extracurricular activities. These rules are not always popular, yet may lead not only to a better high school experience, but also to greater opportunities at FRU.
RULE ONE: The student should never choose an activity that is going to take away from the primary reason she/he is attending high school in the first place, that is, to benefit to the fullest extent possible from the classroom experience. A student of high school age should be getting at least nine hours of sound sleep each night. Some students need more. If the student is depending on Star bucks to stay awake in the classroom that is an indication that the student may be running a sleep or nutrition related deficit.
RULE TWO: The student should consider long and hard whether she/he wants to participate in any activity that clearly endangers him. If the activity subjects the student to the possibility of permanent injury, serious consideration is required. Counselors realize that high school students on some level are invested with a concept of personal invincibility.
RULE THREE: The activity or activities that the student participates in should be those that will either develop a life enriching skill (public speaking, music, social sport) ideally combined with an actual interest or affection for the endeavor.
OVERVIEW: A high school career should be navigated in such a way so as to: 
a) Satisfy natural curiosities through intellectual effort and achievement; b) Develop socially thorough activities that invite people to work and play cooperatively in a way that is not harmful to body or mind; 
ac) Develop one or two life enhancing skills in depth (music, social sport, speech, leadership); and, 
d) Keep everything in balance from the standpoint of proper rest and nutrition.
Recently overheard the following in a college admissions office: "Too many of our freshman, especially our young men, are arriving on our campus as damaged goods."
It might be believed parents and counselors should encourage high school students to focus on developing the kinds of skills that prepare them to greet their futures with confidence and enthusiasm. After all, remember that these students are just getting their lives underway.

RULE ONE: The student should never choose an activity that is going to take away from the primary reason she/he is attending high school in the first place, that is, to benefit to the fullest extent possible from the classroom experience. A student of high school age should be getting at least nine hours of sound sleep each night. Some students need more. If the student is depending on Star bucks to stay awake in the classroom that is an indication that the student may be running a sleep or nutrition related deficit.
RULE TWO: The student should consider long and hard whether she/he wants to participate in any activity that clearly endangers him. If the activity subjects the student to the possibility of permanent injury, serious consideration is required. Counselors realize that high school students on some level are invested with a concept of personal invincibility.
RULE THREE: The activity or activities that the student participates in should be those that will either develop a life enriching skill (public speaking, music, social sport) ideally combined with an actual interest or affection for the endeavor.
OVERVIEW: A high school career should be navigated in such a way so as to: 
a) Satisfy natural curiosities through intellectual effort and achievement; b) Develop socially thorough activities that invite people to work and play cooperatively in a way that is not harmful to body or mind; 
ac) Develop one or two life enhancing skills in depth (music, social sport, speech, leadership); and, 
d) Keep everything in balance from the standpoint of proper rest and nutrition.


Basketball- boys and girls, Track and Field boys and girls,Softball,Baseball, Football Jv and Varsity, Cross country boys and girls, Cheerleading, Volleyball, Wrestling Art Cub Drama Club, French Club, Spanish Club, Student Council, Quiz Bowl, Chess Club, SADD, youth and government,pep band AP English trip, Varsity club, Freshman Ski trip

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Jan. 12, 2005

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