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The Pics that Inspired My Characters...

"Twilight On Dreamworld/Jasper"

Name: Osiris Hehp-Tehal
Race: Mortal
Ethenticity: Egyptian-American
Sex: Male
Occupation: Garbage Man/Tinkerer
Personality: Usually very nervous and uncomfortable around strangers, but a jester to his friends. He gets depressed easily and doesn't have much patience, he tends to fly off the handle often. People think he's a weirdo because he makes no effort to make friends with his coworkers or share any personal information with them. And because he talks to himself. He likes things just perfect or he'll get pissed and take it out on all those even remotely involved. He refuses "look the other way" tips from rich people. He likes the band Chicago. He doesn't eat meat and refuses to tell anyone why. He's a natural builder, and he tends to stick with what he's good at. Although he doesn't invent the things as much as he perfects them. For instance, what was once a toaster, now has attachments of left-handed forks, a bubble gum dispenser on the side and also doubles as a police scanner. He makes a lot of free time for himself because he likes spending time with his friends and thinking about his next project. He can spend weeks, even months on a single invention. He is a thinker and a planner, so he never fails to have a plan B, C or D, even E at times. He hates being unprepared for a situation or caught off guard and will do anything in his power to prevent it from happening. It's not an easy task befriending him, but it's well worth it in the end. To the few he does call friend, he's fiercly loyal, supportive and caring.
Actual Person: Yes, this is who you think it is, Oded Fehr from The Mummy, Duce Bigalow and Cleopatra. I think he's so damn hot, I based a character off his appearance.
Appearances: "Twilight on Dreamworld", "Twilight on Jasper" and he will appear in an up and coming story about how he and his love, Anubis got together called "The Bargain".
Resident: Man with the Plan

Name: Anubis the Cat
Breed: Magically metamorphed housecat, as silly as that sounds.
Occupation: None
Personality: Anubis is usually shy and reclusive, since he knows he's not like everyone else. When he does go out, he tries to disguise himself. He always feels out of place and is almost always at Osiris' side. He has a soft, playful side that not many see, and is typically very sensitive and easy to offend. His one main flaw, like all cats, is his pride. He defends his actions and his lover's actions with serious ferocity. In short, he can do no wrong, especially when he's drunk. Anubis is inately permiscuous and gets especially bad the more inebriated he becomes. He has impecible taste and can turn the heads of every man and woman in the room without trying very hard. All in all, he's a good person, but he's got a nasty, jealous, spiteful streak that proves him to be a force not to be trifled with.
Notes: This is a really good idea of what Anubis looks like. He's not quite human, because his transformation from a cat was never fully completed, but he's still sexy as hell.
Inspirational Piece? No, it isn't, but it might as well be. (:::Wipes drool off my chin:::)
Appearances: "Twilight on Dreamworld" so far.
Resident: Master of Seduction

Inspirational Piece? Hell yes.
Breed: Human
Personality: Quentin is the biggest flirt on two legs. He's got the animal magnetism to knock any guy out of the closet. Women openly cry because they can't have him. He's a diva and he always gets what he wants, otherwise you'll see what a screaming queen he can be. Appearances: "Twilight on Dreamworld" and "Twilight on Jasper".
Resident: Bishounen (pretty boy)

Davis Frisco
Inspirational Piece: No, that line about him with the overalls squeegeeing the office windows was fictional. It was based on this awesome story I read in Torso Magazine about this business guy and a sexy painter who fuck the daylights out of each other in the guy's bedroom. Simple, but sufficient.
Appearances: Davis only really appears in "Twilight on Dreamworld", but he has like two lines in the pathetic sequel.
Resident: Antagonist and obligitory bad seed

Southern Lover

Inspirational Piece? No, I've had this character for about four years now.
Breed: Werejaguar
Appearances: "Twilight on Dreamworld" and he's the narrator from the story, "Southern Lover" (yes, they are one in the same)
Resident: psuedo-spiritualist

I finally found a pic for Derrick! Go me!

Good Friends and a Bottle of Booze

Talis Vanguard
Inspirational Piece? No
Breed: Human
Appearances: "Good Friends and a Bottle of Booze" and "Twilight on Dreamworld"
Resident: Cock-teasing rich boy

Craig Kitterman, Talis' tough but shy admirer/lover
Inspirational Piece? Not really, the original inspiration for Craig came from a picture in Savage Magazine several years ago.
Breed: Human
Appearances: "Good Friends & a Bottle of Booze" and "Twilight on Dreamworld".
Notes: By the way, I'm quite upset at for editing a good portion of "Good Friends" out. Originally during the sex scene, their friend, Phil got up, peeked into the door and watched them, jerking off. When the story was published on Lit, that part was completely gone. Well, I just wanted to let everyone know that it was there and even though it was my first story, it didn't suck quite as much as you might have believed.
Resident: Asskicker (Bouncer)

Death By Forest
Dean H. Carlyle
Inspirational Piece: Yes. I think this pic tells you all you need to know about Dean. Soft, puny, nervous and oh so submissive. =)
Appearances: "Death By Forest", "Twilight on Dreamworld" and "Twilight on Jasper".
Notes: I don't have a good visual aid for Russ yet, but I'm looking.
Resident: Squirrelly City boy


Artemis Philotopolis and Alejandro Vega
Inspirational Piece? I've had these characters for several years. They were originally White Wolf (rpg) characters for a Project Twilight campaign I was running a few years ago. (Artemis was War-Song, the ((what else)) Black Fury and Alejandro was a Cult of Ecstasy Mage) When I found this pic I almost fell off my chair laughing. This is SOO them.
Breed: Human
Appearances: "Contact" and "Twilight on Dreamworld"
Resident: Undercover cop and dangerous gang member

My Subway Angel

Inspirational Piece? No, Ricky is based on a real person, but this isn't him. This is just a hot dude from Madrid who looks a lot like him.
You want a good pic of Doug? You saw one on the homepage but you didn't realize it. Yeah, Doug is supposed to be me. Are you shocked?
Resident: Boi in distress.

Learning the Ropes

Antonio Majados and Jacob Grant
Inspirational Piece: No way, in fact, in the story, Jacob has brown hair. I just like this pic so I'm using it.
Resident: Ex-car thief and former defense attorney


Nelson Conroy
Inspirational Piece? No, in fact, the actual character's appearance was based on an ex lover of mine, but this is pretty close.
Resident: Hot cross-dressing jock

Inspirational Piece: No
Resident: Hot closet jock

Hell Night

Inspirational Piece? Actually, Golem is based off of my Faery Guide, so no.
Breed: Superhuman
Resident: Mantle turned dangerous eco-terrorist.

It's da man himself, Lazarus, a.k.a. Mai Lautan.
Inspirational Piece? Yep, this is the pic that started it all. The moment I saw it, the character quickly developed in my head until the final product came jumping out of the computer screen at you people. Hey, I'm allowed to be excited about him, he's my character! LOL!
Breed: Superhuman
Appearances: Lazarus appears in "Twilight on Dreamworld", "Twilight on Jasper", and plays an even bigger part in "Hell Night". Resident: Crimefighter

Name: Scythe/Arik Fehdir
Inspirational Piece? Yeah, so I colored it and added a mask.
Resident: Newbie Mantle and Lazarus' lustful partner.

I quick-like sketched them out but I'm not terribly happy with this. I'll do a more serious one later.

Inspirational Pic? I actually drew this one myself. Shiver, or rather Stevie is my eldest and most beloved character. I made him up before I even knew what a computer was. I recreated him for this story to keep him alive.
Breed: Metahuman
Resident: Protector of Vixen City and Laz's best friend.

Don Villa
Inspirational Piece? No, but this is more perfect than the inspirational piece.
Breed: Metahuman
Resident: Face it, buddy. You're destined to wear tights and a cape. Accept that fact and we can all move on with our lives.

The Spades
Inspirational Piece? For both of them. They're so cool!
Occupation: Underworld/Black Market Information Merchants
Breed: Human
Resident: Plot convenience for info leading Laz and Scythe somewhere important, and a really hot sex scene in the process.

Inspirational Piece? No, this isn't even my character and if the person who's character it is ever found out how badly I butchered him, he'd hospitalize me. LOL
Breed: MetaHuman disguised as Human
Resident: Mantle all the other Mantles answer to.

Lady Fortune's Smile

Inspirational Peice? Nah, this pic is actually another character of mine but it's close enough. And yes, that really is a man.
Breed: Human
Resident: Transvestite Burlesque Dancer

Stuart's Perfectly Alligned Stars
Inspirational Piece? Yes, he kinda looks like Billy Idol, but hey, I'd still do 'im.
Breed: Human
Resident: Jewel thief and acrobat

Inspirational Peice? Again, a totally different character, out of lack of anything better at the moment, but this is close enough. The real Briggs has a sleazier, more disheveled look to him though.
Breed: Human
Resident: Perverted Security Guard

Where do I get this crap??

Just to let you know, Yaoi is a Japanese animation male/male art style. A lot of it is very tasteful, unless you're a twisted pervert like me who goes for the lemon stuff. Lemon just means hardcore. My experiences have been that, if it isn't lemon, it's usually boring and sappy. When it doubt, go lemony fresh!

The Dude that did Motaau's awesome picture, Ismael Alvarez
Mink's Ronin Yaoi Cake pics by P.L. Nunn and more!
Massive Destruction's Lemon Yaoi Gallery! What a page! What a sex drive! LOL
You can also find some pretty cool Yaoi pics on Elfwood. It's a bitch and a half to navigate, but a lot of the art is amazing and that alone makes it worth it.
The Awesome Art of Joe Phillips.
Patrick Fillion's Art Gallery. You know, the guy that did Anubis' pic?
Caniglia, the creepy guy who did Abbaddon's pic. Creepy, creepy guy!
This sucks. Get me the hell outta here, man.