-A young lady of the age of fifteen welcomes you, her angalic hand lifted towards you.- Hello there, my name is Bella Anginlina Soulina, Bella for short loves. This is the photo album, it also contains pictures of me, and some of the fellow titans. Few of these pictures I drew. Here are the rules...

Rules loves, please follow them. 1. The first one, please donot steal these pictures!!! Ask for promition, it is so easy. Shall I say yes? Yes I will. 2. My email is punkkat256@yahoo.com 3. You may e-mail me if you wish for me to draw you a picture. Though I am clearly good at drawing females, males are very diffcult for me, but I shall try. 4. You must detail your character as much as possible, if you want me to draw it. Sorry I won't take this... Name: yadda looks: blue eyes, tank top.. Please, I shall not allow porno. I will not draw nudity, if you ask, I shall delete your e-mail. I do draw kissing and hugging, but please no tounge or anything..Though I shall only do a few of those. 5. Now last rule, if you abide by these rules thank you very much ^-^! Oh! And if I draw you a picture, tell me if you donot like it than I shall change it up. Do Not! take it to somebody else to do it. That is just copying my work. Also, if I donot answer your e-mail right away. That means I am not there, or I cannot get to you in time because of so many pictures. Please please read these rules. Also, it dosent mean I ignored you or something so that is that. Thank you and here are the pictures.