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Life, LOTRs and Random Things

Yes, my friends. I have a site!! i did it all by myself, aren't you proud? this is my First Ever Website, and it should be treated accordingly. i.e. care, loving attention, gentleness and repeated visits are all in order. yeah. anyway. this is my site, have "fun"! i'm planning to add a special page devoted to LOTRs. you're all quivering with excitement and anticipation, i can feel it. MWAHAHAHAHAAA ahem. i'm in kind of a weird mood right now - can you tell? - i'm having a bad germany day . oh yeah, for those of you who don't know me, i live in germany. WEIRD there may well be people i DON'T KNOW looking at this... so YOU know who i am, but i have no idea you exist! freaky. anyway, i'll leave you to revel in the wonders of my "humble" site. sign my guestbook. please...?
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feel free to take my poll, too.... :D and here's yet another useless weird THING... i got this from katy's live journal thing too. heehee.

Which flock do you follow?
this quiz was made by alanna

the rest of my (small) site

the LOTRs page
the links
the page of random