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Starring :
Thom Mathews - Tommy
Jennifer Cooke - Megan
David Kagen - Sheriff Garris
Tom Fridley - Cort
CJ Graham - Jasom

Plot :
After the events in Part 5 Tommy and a friend goto the grave yard to dig up and destroy Jasons body because Tommy thinks this will help end his hallucinations. But after they dig him up something goes very wrong and he returns as a ZOMBIE for the first time ever. He heads to Camp Crystal Lake (Now known as Lake Forest Green.) to kill anyone and anything in his path. Can Tommy finally put an end to this madness?

My Thoughts :
One of my favorites , without a doubt. It is spoof oriented with a James Bond Spoof. There is also a hidden message , while the care taker is re-burrying Jason he looks right into the camera and says "Some folks have a strange idea of entertainment." just like he was talking to horror fans! hah. Great gore. No nudity , what a let down. Definately worth a screening for all of those Friday The 13th virgins out there who hasn't had there cherry popped.

My Rating :
7/10 Stars